Gracie Bullyproof

  • Overview
  • Bullyproof Benefits
  • Testimonials
  • Bullyproof Belt Tests

Message from the Gracie Brothers

Bullies have been around since the beginning of civilization, and they aren't going away anytime soon. The U.S. Government's website against bullying, provides no sound solution for a child who is targeted by a persistent bully, and the string of highly publicized youth suicides is evidence that the schools cannot be entrusted with your child's safety.

Over the last 90 years, the Gracie family has successfully bully-proofed tens of thousands of children using time-tested strategies featured in the Gracie Bullyproof program. Due to its effectiveness, the Gracie Bullyproof program has already been featured on NBC, CNN, and as an effective counter-measure to bullying.

Based on our experience, there are only three solutions to bullying:

1) Bullyproof the Victims
A confident child is a bullyproof child. In the Gracie Bullyproof self-defense program, we will empower your child with unshakable confidence. They will learn the verbal strategies to stand up to bullies, and a series of non-violent self-defense techniques to keep them safe if they are physically attacked. This program is available at Gracie Bullyproof Certified Training Centers around the world, and can also be completed from home using our patented DVD programs or through the interactive online learning system on this website…read more.

2) Bullyproof the Bullies
We believe that bullies are created, not born. Somewhere along the way, bullies learn that the only way to elevate their social status is to utilize any power advantage to harass others. Consequently, the only way to effectively bullyproof a bully is to reeducate them regarding the proper use of any power advantage…read more.

3) Bullyproof the Schools
To end bullying in America, we must bullyproof the schools. The only way to bullyproof a school is to make intervention the social norm on campus. The challenge we face is that as long as the risk of intervention outweighs the reward for intervention, kids will not step in due to fear of retaliation. The Gracie Bullyproof School Transformation System is the only school-based anti-bullying program that effectively balances the power between victims and bullies and alters the peer pressure dynamic so that kids are intrinsically motivated to step in and lend a helping hand to any child in need…read more.

So there you have it, the three solutions to bullying. Even though we have hundreds of certified instructors helping us make a difference, in order to bullyproof the world, we need your help. Whether you’re a parent who wants to empower your child from home, a community member who wants to show the bullies a better way, or a concerned citizen who wants to help us bullyproof a school in your hometown, you can make a HUGE difference in your community.  

Take your time to explore this site, and become familiar with all three anti-bullying initiatives, so that you can decide how to have the greatest impact in your community.  If you have any comments or feedback, click here to send us a message – we’d love to hear from you.

Thank you for helping us bullyproof the world, one child at a time.

Your Friends,

Ryron and Rener Gracie


Top 5 Reasons to Bullyproof Your Child from Home

  1. Preparation for Bullies Although school based anti-bullying initiatives may reduce the frequency and visibility of harassment, bullies will always exist in schools and other segments of society, therefore, the only guaranteed solution to bullying is for you to "bullyproof" your child with unshakable confidence needed to take a stand and neutralize the harassment.
  2. Resist Peer Pressure In order to resist peer pressure, a child must have very high self-esteem. By teaching your child self-defense techniques and giving them a step-by-step plan for dealing with aggressive kids, you will dramatically boost their confidence, which will increase their ability to make the right choices in all areas of life.
  3. Discipline for Life The Gracie Kid’s Belt System is designed to reward children for their hard work. By engaging in the Gracie Bullyproof learning process, your child will have the opportunity to earn a new stripe every 20 classes, and with each promotion the principles of hard work perseverance will be reinforced in your child. Eventually, your child will realize that with discipline and dedication, nothing is impossible.
  4. Exercise the Mind and Body With child obesity rates at an all-time high, it has never been more important for children to stay active. Aside from teaching your child skills that will last a lifetime, Gracie Bullyproof provides your child with a fun learning experience, as engaging as any video game, while exercising their whole body – not just their thumbs.
  5. Strengthen the Bond Most parents do not get to spend as much time with their child as they would like. The Gracie Bullyproof program allows you to make the most out of your time with your children since it’s educational and fun, but most importantly, the close physical contact of the techniques will allow you to physically bond with your child in a way that cannot be achieved by throwing a Frisbee or playing basketball.

What Parents Are Saying

Here are some video testimonials from parents who have used the Gracie Bullyproof program to instill confidence in their children. If you like what you see, visit the Curriculum section and watch the Parent Preparation Course, it's free and it's REALLY good!

Jonathan Sperling
As a high school English teacher, Mr. Sperling sees, first hand, the harrasment that takes place amongst children, and he is determined to make sure his child is never a victim.

Nora and Dave Duncan
Nora was tormented by an aggressive bully as a child and is using Gracie Bullyproof to ensure her children, Lilly and Gabriel, do not suffer the same torment.

Mike Fiore
Mike's son, Seth, has been diagnosed with autism. Not only has the Gracie Bullyproof program helped him with bullies, but it has helped his focus so much that he may loose his diagnosis within a year!

Chita and Ed Thalheimer
Angelina was so shy as a child that her parents, Chita and Ed, were concerned that she would be targeted by bullies. Now that she is "Bullyproof" her confidence is soaring and she is much more comfortable in social settings.

Sonia and Eric Warfield
Sonia and Eric started the Gracie Bullyproof program with their daughter, Sophia, to keep her safe from bullies. Now it's their favorite family pastime!


I love the Gracie Bullyproof program! I went over the Crazy Horse lessons with my daughter once, and since then she asks me every night to do Crazy Horse. It actually works! I look forward to going over this with her for years to come and then years from now my grandkids. Thanks guys for putting together a top notch system.
-Kevin Sims

Received the Gracie BullyProof DVDs yesterday evening and I spent four hours stright watching them. I was so amazed at how much fun the kids were having. Thank you for putting together a very important training tool for our youngsters. You can see that they are excited, eager to learn and they are soaking in the info like a sponge. This will help me to make an even better bond with my Grandbabies.
-Steven Hartwright

I just wanted to say Gracie Bullyproof is incredible! My 7-year-old has learned two of the games and we spent hours playing them the other day. Ryron, Rener and the Gracie family have given me and my son such a gift, thank you so much!
-Ashley Cravens

I'm a public school teacher of 30+ years, and have also been teaching a children's safety program for several years. When your Bullyproof program was released, it looked great, and I bought it. I must say it has exceeded my expectations, and I began to incorporate it into my last class. The Mother of a 3rd grade girl told me how her daughter was being bullied, and had been beaten up by a boy in her class. She went on to explain how her daughter came home one day very excited, saying "Mom, I did it... I did it!". "You did what?", Mom asked. "I told him 'Are you challenging me to a fight? Because if you are I'm not afraid of you!'" The boy responded no , he wasn't.... and he backed away. And it get's better.... the next day, he came up and APOLOGIZED TO HER. 3rd grade! Now this was after learning only about 5 Gracie Games. What struck me was how she retained and repeated the 'verbal tackle' almost verbatim, after hearing it only a few times! The Mom said her confidence level has changed so much. (The 1st night she didn't even participate in Shark Bite.) Now she's an eager learner. Also, the reaction of the bully was just as you describe in the course. Thanks guys.....your program is..... purrr-fect :^)
-Don Witt

Just got the Gracie Bullyproof program yesterday and as soon as I come home from work my 5 year old has his Gi on waiting at the door for me ready to do Lesson 1: Spider Kid. My daughter was at a dance class at the time and was so upset that she missed it that I had to do the lesson with her at 9:30 p.m. My wife says they are obsessed! I say it is better than having them obsessed with T.V. or video games. They love it, Ryron and Rener you have yourself a family hooked on GJJ! I have a Blue Belt in BJJ(sport) and I am going to purchase the Gracie Combatives DVD set soon. I am ready to get my Blue Belt in GJJ and my dream is to become the first CTC in North Carolina. I don't currently have a school, but my goal is to open a CTC in the future. Thanks for having two awesome programs for me and my family to share!
-Scotty Dennis

I am working the crazy horse with my son. He loves it, my ears hurt (literally) of hearing his happiness and screaming when "practicing". Thanks!
-Marco M

You guys are amazing. Not only are my son and I learning jiu-jitsu but you guys are helping me be a better parent too. Your teaching methods and abilities are incredible. Thank you.
-Sparky Watson

Rener, I just got the Gracie Combatives collection for myself and went to a Gracie Garage(Michael Forrest) for the first time. He is a great guy and represents the Gracie Family well.The reason I am sending this message is to tell you I took my son Levi with me to the GG training session. He is 5 and had just finished his 10th lesson in Gracie Games. After the class was over I asked him if he wanted to show the guys what he had learned in the Gracie Bullyproof program. Levi is usually shy in front of people he doesn't know. He said yes and showed them CRAZY HORSE,CRAZY LEGS,SPIDER KIDS,CROCODILE CONTROL and a few others. Most of the guys had never heard of the Bullyproof program and they were blown away how much he knew and how good he did for only having had 10 lessons. You guys do a great job Thanks!
-Scotty Dennis

Dear Ryron and Rener, Firstly I'd like to just say WOW!...I am so inspired by your creativity and teaching genius. I've now had the Gracie Bullyproof program for about 2 months. One of my student’s fathers came into the academy and said "Jason you should check out the Gracie brothers "BULLYPROOF" program on YouTube.' So I said "Yeah ok I will." So a couple of days went by and then I remembered. I sat down and watched the video of you both talking about "The Most Common Teaching Mistake" I was captivated by that and thought wow! There is something about these guys and I should probably get this and see what it's all about. So, after sitting down on and off and watching every DVD when time allowed I now sit back in my office chair and wonder in awe of the greatness of this program. I have a kids program at my academy and it is going well, but this just takes the cake and I now feel like giving up...haha. At our academy we do a lot of non-profit teaching and I have been sent a lot of disenfranchised kids by parents and professionals alike and I know that they would get great benefit from "BULLYPROOF" I've told everyone about it and the parents are really excited by it. I have read on your forum that some teachers are teaching the program in their schools and primary schools. I'd love to do the same if that is ok? So I guess my question to you both is can I too, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees with your blessing introduce the games and techniques into my kids classes. My kindest regards,
-Jason Fox

Get Started for Free: Create a free student profile and get instant access to the complete Parent Preparation Course. After that, you’ll be 100% ready to “Bullyproof” your child from home.

Submit Your Own Testimonial: Have you been “Bullyproofing” your child from home? If so, send us a note to let us know how it’s going.

Gracie Bullyproof Belt Tests

Every 80 lessons, your child will be given the opportunity to qualify for an official Gracie Belt promotion via the Video Evaluation Process. You simply film your child performing all their techniques in combination, and then you upload the video to the Testing Center. A Gracie University instructor evaluates your child's performance and if they meet Gracie University standards, we send a belt to your home to be awarded to your child! Aside from giving you the opportunity to receive valuable feedback from the Gracie University, the belt promotion opportunities will serve as an incredibly powerful incentive for your child. Here are some of the belt tests that have been submitted by actual Gracie Bullyproof students.

Brennan Walker - Age 8 White-yellow Belt Test

Connor Walker - Age 12 White-yellow Belt Test

Aidan Walker - Age 7 White-yellow Belt Test

Jacob - Age 10 White-yellow Belt Test