Gracie University Instructor Certification Program (ICP)

ICP Banner
  • Instructor Requirements
  • School Requirements
  • The Four Phases
  • 52 Lessons
  • Dates & Deadlines

For three generations, the primary mission of the Gracie Family has been to make the invaluable benefits of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu available to people everywhere. To accomplish this, we created the Gracie University Instructor Certification Program (ICP), through which dedicated practitioners from around the world will have the opportunity and resources to become remarkable instructors and join us in preserving and perpetuating the gentle art.

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is a relatively young martial art which, until now, lacked structure. In almost all jiu-jitsu schools, techniques are presented in complete randomness, frustrating and confusing the students.  In addition, rather than establishing standardized promotion guidelines, most instructors issue belt promotions based on wavering impulses, leaving the students feeling discouraged and demoralized.  Realizing that there could be no growth without structure, we spent several years organizing all the techniques into an official white-to-black belt curriculum. For the first time ever, students are learning Gracie Jiu-Jitsu with the same reliable structure and meticulous planning that one would expect from an institution of higher education. With a clearly defined curriculum and standardized qualification requirements for each belt level, students are embarking on the path towards Gracie Jiu-Jitsu mastery with more dedication and greater enthusiasm than ever before.

In our quest to make the newly renovated curriculum available around the globe, nothing was more important than making sure that the learning experience at all Certified Training Centers mirrored that of the Gracie University Headquarters in Torrance, CA, and this is what led to the development of the Instructor Certification Program. Through this rigorous and highly-comprehensive program, prospective instructors are introduced to the teaching methodologies and training programs that have been developed and refined for three generations. Upon successful completion of the ICP, participants are capable of teaching Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in accordance with the high standards established by Grand Master Helio Gracie and maintained by Gracie University.  Through the ICP, we are finally able to systematically create high-quality instructors without compromising the integrity of the art.

In the past, an individual could not participate in the ICP unless he/she was already an instructor at an established school of martial arts. Since the launch of the Gracie University Online Learning Center, however, we realized that there are thousands of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu students around the world who have the character, desire, dedication and detailed-oriented nature to become amazing instructors even though they may have never taught a martial arts class in their life. As a result, we have decided to open the Gracie University Instructor Certification Program to all dedicated practitioners of the art who meet the five basic qualification requirements, so that those who have the passion can help us spread the word. The final goal is to turn dedicated students into amazing instructors so that they can make Gracie Jiu-Jitsu available in their communities with the proven system and the full support of Gracie University Headquarters.

Technique Preservation
You must be committed to the preservation of the techniques and teaching methods in accordance with the exacting standards of Gracie University. Above all, you must understand the importance of teaching Gracie Jiu-Jitsu first and foremost as a system of self-defense.

Discipline, Integrity & Honor
Each certified instructor is an extension of the Gracie Family and a representative of Gracie University. As a certified instructor, you must personify discipline, integrity, and honor. You must be healthy in mind and body, and, most importantly, you must have a passion for empowering others.

Gracie Combatives Mastery
There are four levels of certification at which an instructor can be recognized, but all instructors begin at Level 1. At this level, they are authorized to teach the Gracie Combatives curriculum. Since you cannot teach that which you do not know, in order to be considered for participation in the ICP, not only must you complete the Gracie Combatives course, but you must achieve a score of 95 or higher on the Gracie Combatives Belt video evaluation test.

Gracie Bullyproof Familiarity
Upon successfully completing the Gracie University Instructor Certification Program, you will also be authorized to teach the official kids' program, Gracie Bullyproof. To ensure you are prepared for the Gracie Bullyproof portion of the ICP, you must own and be very familiar with the Gracie Bullyproof program.

Minimum Rank: Blue Belt
While you may begin the journey towards instructor certification as a white belt (by learning our beginner curriculums for adults and children as outlined above), in order to be invited to the Phase 3 Live Evaluation (or Zoom Evaluation for international candidates), you must hold the rank of blue belt or higher. If your rank of blue belt or higher was awarded by a verifiable BJJ school that is not affiliated with Gracie University, that will suffice. If you are a student at a CTC (Certified Training Center), you must earn your blue belt from your head instructor. If you are not an active student at a CTC, you may test for your blue belt at a CTC by scheduling a Live Verification Test once you've met the requirements outlined in the Testing Center. As a Gracie Combatives graduate you will need to dedicate a minimum of six months and at least 60-100 hours to Master Cycle BBS1 drilling and sparring in order to take the blue belt test.

Ready for the First Step?
We only certify one training center in each territory. If you’re interested in establishing a CTC in your community (whether you currently own a school or not), the first step is to make sure your territory is available. To verify your territory's availability, and to learn more about the licensing fees associated with establishing a CTC, click here.

To learn about the School Requirements, the Four Phases of the Instructor Certification Program, and the 52 Lessons of the Online Instructor Course, please click on the tabs at the top of this page.

To view our frequently asked ICP questions, click here. 

For the first time ever, we are allowing very dedicated students, who do not currently own or instruct at a martial arts school, the opportunity to reserve a territory, go through the Gracie University Instructor Certification Program (ICP), and fulfill their dreams of becoming instructors of the gentle art. Once an individual successfully completes the instructor program, they are authorized to establish a Certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Training Center® in one of three ways:

  1. Certify your own school.
    If you currently own an established school of martial arts - TMA, MMA, or BJJ - or you are an instructor at an established school, we can designate your existing martial arts school as a Certified GJJ Training Center.
  2. Open a new school.
    If you have the resources and the desire, you may open a brand new school that would offer the Gracie University programs and, therefore, be recognized as a Certified GJJ Training Center.
  3. Partner with an existing school.
    If you don't own a school and you don't have the resources to start a new school, you can partner with an existing school in your community to offer the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu programs at that location. This usually works best at a traditional martial arts school that does not offer jiu-jitsu. You get a place to teach, and they get to add Gracie Jiu-Jitsu to their school offerings. Everybody wins!

You do not need to decide which Certified Training Center establishment method you will use until after you complete the Instructor Certification Program. But you must know that, in addition to you getting certified, the actual school must meet the following minimum requirements to be deemed a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Certified Training Center:

Sufficient Mat Space
The school must have at least 1000 square feet of grappling mat space.

Territory Availability
All CTCs are given an exclusive territory in which to operate. Regardless of where you are in your jiu-jitsu journey, if your goal is to establish a CTC one day, the most important thing is to verify that the territory is available. Once it is confirmed to be available, you will have the opportunity to reserve the territory while you go through the Instructor Certification Program. Click here for more details.

Liability Insurance
The school must have a standard $1,000,000 general liability insurance policy in which Gracie University is listed as “Additionally Insured”.

Strong Reputation
If you establish a CTC at an existing location, the school, and its respective owners, must have a good reputation in the community. If it is a new school, we will verify your reputation during the probationary period.

Licensing Fees
Although participation in the ICP requires only a one-time flat fee, all CTCs pay a nominal monthly licensing fee that is contingent on the success of the Gracie University programs. There is no long-term commitment and you can cancel the licensing fees at any time.

Benefits of Establishing a CTC
There are many benefits to establishing a Certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Training Center. If you successfully complete the Gracie University ICP, and you establish a CTC that meets the school requirements above, these are some of the benefits you can look forward to:

  • Proven Proprietary Programs: The success of our programs is proven, and when it comes to structure, safety and street readiness, nothing compares to Gracie Combatives and Gracie Bullyproof. Best of all, because the programs are trademarked, only CTCs can offer them. If you have 10 martial arts schools in a city, all of them can offer “BJJ,” but only one can offer Gracie Combatives and Gracie Bullyproof, we hope it’s you!
  • Business Mastery Course: There is much more to running a successful martial arts business than teaching great classes. Recorded live at Gracie University HQ, the Business Mastery Course brings together over 100 of the most successful CTC owners from all over the world to discuss everything from finances and phone scripts to business management software and referral programs. The sole purpose of the Business Mastery Course is to ensure that every new CTC owner benefits from the successes (and failures) of the CTC owners that came before them. As soon as you graduate from the ICP, you'll be granted full access to the Business Mastery Course.
  • Free GU Online Access: As a Certified Instructor, not only do you get free access to Gracie University online, so do all of your students. When a student is enrolled in any one of the Gracie Programs, they also get full online access to the same program. Considering that the cost of our basic online subscriptions range from $20-45 per month, this is a huge bonus offering that is only available to CTC students. And since each CTC owner is independently authorized to grant this online access, it serves as a powerful student retention tool as well.
  • Satellite Training Privileges: You and your active CTC students will be authorized to train at any CTC around the world for free! What’s great is that since every CTC runs the beginner programs according to the exact same structure, every time one of your students takes a trip and visits a CTC, they will get official class credit on their attendance card when they return home.
  • Proven Instructor Path: With the most complete linear online curriculum in all of BJJ, Gracie University Online provides a proven path to black belt for each and every CTC owner. This path is precisely why someone can start a CTC as a blue belt and consistently expand their knowledge and skill level, all while leading an ever-growing group of dedicated students. We’ve been at this long enough to have had several blue belts CTC owners become black belts after years of dedication, and it’s a remarkable process to witness.
  • Preliminary Launch Approval: After you complete Gracie Combatives and the Online Instructor Course (OIC), there may be several months before you come to California for your Phase 3 Live Evaluation. During that waiting period, if you own a martial arts school, we authorize you to begin using all the administrative systems and teaching methodologies (since you have learned them all in the OIC) without any form of payment. By doing this, you will have a chance to experience the incredible success of the programs for free before you ever formalize your school’s CTC status.
  • 125 Million Times the Marketing: With over 125 MILLION views (and counting) on their “Gracie Breakdown” YouTube channel alone, Ryron and Rener are widely regarded as the industry leaders when it comes to educating the rapidly growing MMA fan base about the beauty and effectiveness of Gracie/Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Every time someone falls in love with BJJ due to Ryron and Rener's engaging energy and easy-to-understand explanations, they eventually end up at where they can watch the first three Gracie Combatives lessons for free. As soon as they are hooked on the simple and effective techniques of Gracie Combatives, they immediately jump over to the “Locations” section of the site to see if there is a Certified Training Center in their community, and if your school is on the list, you can bet that they will come in ready to sign up for the program they've watched and already fallen in love with! This is called "the funnel effect" and it's one of the most powerful benefits of becoming a CTC.
  • Custom CTC Hype Video: Once your CTC is up and running, Ryron and Rener produce a custom welcome video in which they specifically highlight your city and the programs offered at the school. The video will be provided to the you at no cost to be used on your website, in social media, advertisements or anywhere else you see fit!
  • Custom CTC Sub-site: In addition to being listed as an accredited school, your CTC will also have a custom page or “sub-site” within the Gracie University official website. Your sub-site will display all the essential details of your operation including the programs, pricing, class schedule, certified instructors, welcome video, and more. We specifically programmed these sub-sites so you have full control as the CTC owner, that way you can update your CTC’s information at any time. Best of all, any time a prospective student is browsing your site, they can contact you directly, or even sign up for their 10-day trial, with the click of a button! To get a feel for what your sub-site will look like, check out one of our current CTCs.
  • Targeted E-Mail Blast: We have over 250,000 registered online students, most of whom are eagerly waiting for a CTC to open in their community. As soon as your CTC is up and running, you will have the option to send a targeted email blast to all the online members who are located within 5 miles of your location with the objective of drawing them and their families into the CTC with an exciting offer of your choosing. You’ll be happy to know that, in almost every case, this list consists of several hundred people or more, which really helps jump-start the CTC in a community.
  • Wholesale Merchandise: Certified Training Centers qualify for exclusive wholesale discounts of up to 50% on all Gracie apparel/training gear/gis/instructional material and are authorized to re-sell the goods to their dedicated students. The Gracie Brand has really exploded in recent years, and this retail opportunity has become a very profitable revenue stream for many of our CTCs.
  • Exclusive Territory: Once established, your school will be the exclusive Certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Training Center in your community. As long as the quality of instruction in your school meets Gracie University standards, and the integrity of the curriculum is upheld, we will not certify any other schools within a 5-mile radius (in all directions) of your school. On rare occasion, exact territorial boundaries may be slightly adjusted for select CTCs, but make no mistake about it, once a territory is occupied, all future applicants are blocked out.
  • Gracie Trademarks: After you establish a CTC, you will be authorized to use several Gracie trademarks and proprietary programs, including: Gracie Jiu-Jitsu®, Gracie Combatives®, Gracie Bullyproof®, Gracie Master Cycle®, Women Empowered®, Certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Training Center®, and the official Gracie Triangle logo to promote your school and its association to the Gracie University.
  • Dedicated Support Team: With most other BJJ affiliations, each affiliate school is just a number on a spreadsheet, but with Gracie University, each CTC is an extension of our family. To make sure each and every CTC can best serve its community, we have a dedicated team of full-time staff members at headquarters whose sole purpose is to support the CTCs around the world.
  • Storefront Gracie Decals: You will receive a very large and distinctive "Certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Training Center" vinyl decal that will go on your storefront window/door to inform prospective students that you are authorized to teach Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and that your school is accredited by Gracie University. You will also receive a store-front decal for the Gracie Bullyproof program, as well as digital files of all the essential logos so you can use them to produce custom artwork, signs, or advertisements for your CTC.
  • Global Visibility: is one of the most highly optimized jiu-jitsu websites in the world. When someone enters the search terms "Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu" or "Gracie Jiu-Jitsu" on any of the top search engines, is always at the top of the list. Based on analytics of our web traffic, we’ve found that the two most popular sections of our site are ‘Training Programs’ and ‘Certified Training Centers.’ In other words, people want to know exactly what we’re teaching and where they can learn it! Immediately upon establishing a CTC, your school will join the list of Certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Training Centers on so you can benefit from Gracie University's unmatched web presence without spending the thousands of dollars on search engine optimization that it would otherwise cost you to achieve the same visibility on the Internet.
  • Free Black Belt Seminars at Your CTC: It is very important that every jiu-jitsu student at every CTC has the chance to learn from a black belt. Once your CTC has been active for at least two years and has established a solid student base, you will have the option to have a Gracie University Black Belt instructor come to your CTC to conduct a FREE seminar for you and your students. This is a win, win, win situation, particularly for CTCs that are owned by non-black-belt instructors, and we can't wait for you to qualify for this opportunity!

Ready for the First Step?
We only certify one training center in each territory. If you’re interested in establishing a CTC in your community (whether you currently own a school or not), the first step is to make sure your territory is available. To verify your territory's availability, and to learn more about the licensing fees associated with establishing a CTC, click here.

To learn about the Four Phases of the Instructor Certification Program, or to read about the 52 Lessons of the Online Instructor Course, please click on the tabs at the top of this page.

To view our frequently asked ICP questions, click here.

Regardless of whether you’re a seasoned martial arts instructor, or you’ve never taught a day in your life, you will need to complete the Instructor Certification Program (ICP) in order to establish a Certified Training Center. Once we’ve confirmed the availability of your territory, and you’ve been accepted into the program, you will complete the ICP in Four Phases:

Phase 1: Gracie Combatives Mastery (12 Months)
You must pass the Gracie Combatives test with a score of 95 or higher within 12 months of reserving your territory. You may complete the Gracie Combatives course at home using the DVDs or online course, or by attending classes at a Certified Training Center. However, regardless of where you learn the material, you must record and upload your Gracie Combatives video test to the Testing Center, so that we have a permanent record of the test. If you hold BJJ rank from another affiliation or organization, you may keep your rank in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but must still demonstrate proficiency in the Gracie Combatives techniques by passing the test with a score of 95 or higher. If you do not pass the Gracie Combatives test with minimum score of 95, you may retest only once in your attempt to meet the ICP qualification standard. That said, you should aim for perfection the first time around. In the event that you do need to retest, you will need to submit five brand new test videos.

Here are the steps you have to take if you wish to resubmit your Gracie Combatives video test for ICP consideration:

  1. You must wait at least 30 days before resubmitting your test.
  2. You must fix all errors and notes indicated by the evaluator. All techniques must be reflexive.
  3. You must re-shoot all 5 drills and resubmit 5 new videos. If you include a previously submitted video, your test will be rejected.
  4. Even if you pass with 95 or higher, you will not be accepted into the ICP if you did not wait for 30 days to resubmit.

In addition, you must own the Gracie Bullyproof program, online or on DVD, and must be very familiar with the content. You will be tested on it in throughout the ICP.

Phase 2: Online Instructor Course (60 Days)
If you pass the Gracie Combatives test with a score of 95 or higher, you will be granted access to the Online Instructor Course and required to unlock it during the 12-month territory reservation period. This 52-lesson course, comprised of detailed videos (recorded live at the Gracie Academy in 2009) and the official Gracie Instructor Manual (pdf download), will be available to you once you have unlocked the course in your Gracie University online lesson library. In this course, you will learn all the Gracie teaching methodologies that have been perfected over nearly a century as well as the program administration skills you’ll need to establish a successful Certified Training Center.

You will have exactly 60 days to complete the Online Instructor Course and upload five Teaching Proficiency Videos (TPVs) demonstrating your knowledge of the Gracie Combatives and Gracie Bullyproof teaching methodologies covered in the Online Instructor Course. If upon reviewing your videos, we confirm that you have the technique, passion, and communication skills that we seek in a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu instructor, we will invite you to Gracie University Headquarters for your Live Evaluation (for domestic ICP candidates) or a Zoom Evaluation (for international ICP candidates).

Blue Belt Requirement
While you may begin the journey towards instructor certification as a white belt (by learning our beginner curriculums for adults and children as outlined above), in order to be invited to the Phase 3 Live Evaluation (or Zoom Evaluation for international candidates), you must hold the rank of blue belt or higher. If your rank of blue belt or higher was awarded by a verifiable BJJ school that is not affiliated with Gracie University, that will suffice. If you are a student at a CTC (Certified Training Center), you must earn your blue belt from your head instructor. If you are not an active student at a CTC, you may test for your blue belt at a CTC by scheduling a Live Verification Test once you've met the requirements outlined in the Testing Center. As a Gracie Combatives graduate you will need to dedicate a minimum of six months and at least 60-100 hours to Master Cycle BBS1 drilling and sparring in order to take the blue belt test.

Phase 3 (Domestic): Live Evaluation (3 Days)
Twice each year (January and July), we host three-day Live Evaluations for instructor candidates at Gracie University Headquarters in Torrance, CA. On day one, all candidates will be re-tested on the complete Gracie Combatives program under the watchful eyes of Ryron, Rener and the highest ranking black belts of the organization. On days two and three, you will be tested on your comprehension of all the teaching methodologies and administration skills featured in the Online Instructor Course.

Throughout Phase 3, you will also have the opportunity to ask questions about anything that was not covered in the online material as well as network with successful CTC owners from all over the world. Upon passing the Live Evaluation, you will have all the skills to successfully administer Gracie Combatives and Gracie Bullyproof, and you will receive an official certificate denoting your completion of the Gracie University Instructor Certification Program.

Phase 3 (International): Zoom Evaluation (3 Days)
We understand that some international ICP candidates may not be able to attend the in-person Live Evaluation due to travel restrictions, visa issues or budgetary constraints. In this case, they are invited to join the Phase 3 Live Evaluation (January or July) via Zoom instead. To make up for the fact that international Zoom attendees will not get the in-person experience at Gracie University Headquarters, they will also need to participate in a 3-day internship at a designated CTC in their country (or continent). The CTC internship must be completed within three months of completing the live Zoom ICP, and the additional cost for the internship is $500 (paid directly to the host CTC). If the ICP candidate is an assistant instructor (not a head instructor who will be opening their own CTC), they may conduct the internship at their own CTC and fees would be paid directly to their CTC (unless waived), otherwise the internship can only be conducted at a CTC that has been pre-approved by GU Headquarters. During the internship, the candidate will be required to demonstrate proficiency in all of the core teaching methodologies (SPF, 10-Minute Intro, One-on-One Retention, Gracie Bullyproof), and they will have opportunities to learn from and interact with the certified instructor host. Only after a report is submitted to Gracie University Headquarters by the host instructor indicating the candidates successful completion of the internship will the candidate receive their instructor certificate at which point they will be authorized to move on to Phase 4 and begin teaching the Gracie Proprietary Programs.

Please note that the Zoom ICP opportunity is only available for international ICP candidates. All ICP candidates from within the United States, must attend in person. Additionally, any international ICP candidate who chooses to attend the Live Evaluation at Headquarters will not have to complete the internship, since the in-person attendance in Torrance will satisfy this requirement.

Phase 4: CTC Establishment (6 Months)
Upon successful completion of the Live Evaluation, you will be authorized to establish a Certified Training Center (CTC) in your community, as long as you have also achieved the minimum rank of Blue Belt. You will have six months to establish the CTC using one of the following methods: 1) add the Gracie programs at an existing martial arts school that you own, 2) open a brand new location to offer the Gracie programs, or 3) you can approach an existing school that does not teach Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and form a partnership to begin offering the programs at their school. In any of these three cases, the training center must meet the School Requirements and must be approved by Gracie University.

Initially, your CTC will be on probation and listed as “New” until the following requirements are met (no later than 12 months after ICP graduation):

  1. Create a Gracie Combatives Belt Holder
    To ensure that you are capable of implementing the newly learned teaching methodologies, you will need to create a Gracie Combatives belt holder within 12 months of graduation from the ICP. You must find a student, with no previous jiu-jitsu experience, and you must personally take them to Gracie Combatives belt. This should begin AS SOON as you return home from the Live Evaluation, and you are authorized to begin training them at home or any other location until you formally establish a Certified Training Center. The classes can be private, or group classes. The key here is that we want to see how effectively you can transfer your Gracie Combatives knowledge to another person.
  2. Submit Three Teaching Videos
    Once you have established a Certified Training Center, we will need to verify all your teaching skills in a true group setting. To do this, you will record your performance of a complete Gracie Combatives group lesson, a complete Gracie Bullyproof group lesson, and a complete “10-Minute Intro” as outlined in the ICP. Once captured, these videos will be uploaded to Gracie University for review.

There are four levels of certification at which a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu instructor can be recognized. Once the aforementioned probationary release requirements are met and your Level 1 certification status is made official, you will have the opportunity to begin working towards higher levels of certification which will enable you to teach the Master Cycle and the Women Empowered programs at your school. But, like the Grand Master once said, "Paciencia e Disciplina" (Patience and Discipline). Focus on qualifying for, and successfully completing, the Level 1 Instructor Certification Program, establish your CTC, and the rest will fall right into place.

Ready for the First Step?
We only certify one training center in each territory. If you’re interested in establishing a CTC in your community (whether you currently own a school or not), the first step is to make sure your territory is available. To verify your territory's availability, and to learn more about the licensing fees associated with establishing a CTC, click here.

To view our frequently asked ICP questions, click here.

The Gracie University Instructor Certification Program is the most comprehensive teacher’s curriculum ever created for any martial art, let alone jiu-jitsu. Listed below are brief descriptions of the 52 comprehensive video lessons that comprise the online portion of the program. Topics not discussed in the online videos will be covered during the live portion of the program at Gracie University Headquarters in Torrance, CA.

Lesson 1: Brotherly Intro
Ryron and Rener welcome you to the program and make sure you understand what it will take to succeed.

Lesson 2: Family Welcome
Rorion Gracie and his sons explain the history of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, how the Instructor Certification Program evolved, and what the plans are for the future of the art.

Lesson 3: Why it Works
The Gracie Brothers explain what prompted the complete restructuring of the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu curriculum and how it doubled their enrollment in 18 months.

Lesson 4: The Gracie University Partnership
In this discussion the brothers explain how you can use Gracie University, and your affiliation to Gracie University, to gain the marketing edge in your community.

Lesson 5: Combatives Card and Calendar
In this discussion, the Gracie Brothers discuss what the art has been missing for three generations and how the Combatives Card and Calendar have completely revolutionized the Gracie University learning experience.

Lesson 6: GC Group Lesson 19
In this video, you will get to join the Gracie Brothers for a live Gracie Combatives group lesson so you can see first-hand how the system works.

Lesson 7: Group Class Outline
What makes the Gracie Combatives system so powerful is the structure. In this discussion, you will learn the minute-by-minute breakdown being used to orchestrate Gracie Combatives group lessons all around the world.

Lesson 8: Essential Gis
Even though none of the Gracie Combatives techniques rely on the use of the gi, in this discussion we explain the various reasons why gis, especially at the beginner level, are so important (hygiene, uniformity, tradition, etc.).

Lesson 9: Freestyle Flow & Bad Guy Behaviors
Being a good “Bad Guy” is, in many ways, harder than being a good “Good Guy.” In this talk, Ryron and Rener teach you how to turn your students into the best possible “Bad Guys” so that your classes function smoothly and friendly vibe remains strong.

Lesson 10: Slice Presentation Formula
Handed down over three generations, the Gracie Slice Presentation Formula is what separates the Gracie University instructors from the rest. Learning the formula will make you a better teacher in all fields of study.

Lesson 11: SPF Review & Practice
The brothers recap of the most important Slice Presentation Formula concepts, and then add a few more critical teaching principles to the equation.

Lesson 12: Violating the Formula
Ryron and Rener explain the special circumstances in which modifying the teaching formula is acceptable.

Lesson 13: Essential Presentation Skills
Learning the Slice Presentation Formula will instantly make you a good instructor, mastering these essential presentation skills will make you great.

Lesson 14: GC Group Lesson 20
In this clip, you will join Ryron and Rener for another live Gracie Combatives group lesson. This time you get to see how the brothers interact with the students while they drill the techniques.

Lesson 15: Rapid Review Lessons 1-4
As a teacher, it’s your duty to know as much as possible about the subject matter. In this rapid review, the Gracie Brothers go through Gracie Combatives group lessons 1-4 sharing bonus details that are not included in the corresponding Gracie Combatives videos lessons.

Lesson 16: The Founding Principles
In this discussion you gain a deeper understanding of the founding principles Grand Master Helio Gracie used to create this incredible system. This will help you when you are modifying and adapting techniques for disabled students.

Lesson 17: The Most Common Questions
Your students will have questions, but chances are they have already been asked before. In this video, we explain the five most common questions of all time, and the problem-solving principles for each, so that you can handle the “what-ifs” with ease.

Lesson 18: Rapid Review Lessons 5-8
Ryron and Rener discuss all the bonus details for lesson 5-8 that are not are not covered in the corresponding Gracie Combatives videos.

Lesson 19: GC Group Lesson 9
In this group lesson, Ryron and Rener demonstrate the power of Solo Demos, and, once again, you will see the overall structure of the system come to life.

Lesson 20: Animal Movement
In this silly but serious discussion, you will learn how graceful animal-like movements can enhance the presentation value immensely.

Lesson 21: One-on-one Retention
Rorion gives the most incredible teacher's demonstration of all time, and in doing so he illustrates how a great instructor leaves no room for error.

Lesson 22: Group Class Orchestration
Ryron and Rener share all the secrets on how to successfully manage a group class when you have over 50 students, all of varying skill levels.

Lesson 23: Rapid Review Lessons 9-11
Ryron and Rener discuss group lessons 9-11 giving you all the bonus details not appearing in the corresponding Gracie Combatives video lessons.

Lesson 24: Rapid Review Lessons 13-18
The brothers discuss all the bonus details for group lessons 13-18.

Lesson 25: GC Group Lesson 22
Once again, you’re live in a Gracie Combatives group lesson. This time, you’ll get to appreciate how the Slice Presentation Formula gives life to each technical presentation.
Lesson 26: Slice Presentation Test
This is the actual Slice Presentation Test taken by the instructor candidates at Gracie University. Seeing their strengths and weaknesses of each presentation will help you prepare for your own test, when the time comes.

Lesson 27: Test Results Discussion
Ryron and Rener go into detail regarding what the most common mistakes were during the Slice Presentation Tests and what changes must be made for the instructors to meet the standard and get certified.

Lesson 28: Gracie Combatives Printouts
This casual discussion covers all the handouts and information sheets that we use to promote the Gracie University programs at all the Certified Training Centers worldwide.

Lesson 29: Bring a Friend Class
Even though every jiu-jitsu student talks to their friends about their new found passion for the gentle art, chances are their friends will never show up to a class. In this talk, Ryron and Rener teach you how to turn your students into your most powerful marketing tool and how to triple the number of referrals coming through the door.

Lesson 30: The 10-day Trial
After one class, a student is curious. After 10 classes, a student is hooked. In this discussion, we share the subtleties that make our new student enrollment process so powerful.

Lesson 31: The 10-Minute Intro
If a student’s first 10 minutes are mediocre, they won’t sign up. If their first 10 minutes are good, they might sign up. If their first 10 minutes are amazing, they’ll be part of your jiu-jitsu family for life! In this clip, you will learn how to turn prospective students into family on the very first day.

Lesson 32: Reflex Development Class Outline
Qualifying for Reflex Development Classes is the first major milestone for all Gracie Combatives students. In this discussion, the brothers discuss the structure and purpose of the Gracie Combatives Reflex Development Classes.

Lesson 33: Reflex Development Class
Join Ryron and Rener as they teach a live Reflex Development Class to a large group of dedicated students. Compared to a regular Gracie Combatives group lesson, you will see many similarities but also many differences in how the class is conducted.

Lesson 34: Private Class Outline
In this talk, Ryron and Rener explain why some students are better suited for private lessons, and then they share the secrets to teaching a masterful private lesson so that your students are always coming back for more.
Lesson 35: GC Group Lesson 23
In this live group lesson, you will witness the true power of the 10-Minute Intro as Rener introduces a group of three brand new students to the art.  After the introduction, you'll join Rener as he teaches the last group lesson of the 23-class Gracie Combatives cycle.
Lesson 36: Adult Promotion Process
Ryron and Rener outline the stripe promotion process, the belt testing/promotion process, and then they explain how everything is tracked on the Gracie Combatives Card for optimum student retention.

Lesson 37: Master Cycle Certification
Once your Gracie Combatives certification is finalized, you will qualify to begin working towards Master Cycle Certification. In this talk, the brothers briefly explain the continuing education process.

Lesson 38: Gracie University Forum
The Gracie University Forums are filled with questions that have been answered by actual Gracie University instructors. In this talk, you will learn how to use Gracie University to ensure that you and your students are always getting the most up to date information.    

Lesson 39: Gracie Bullyproof Intro
Gracie Bullyproof has been featured on CNN, NBC, and, and it is the fastest growing program at Gracie University. More importantly than the additional revenue it will generate, this program will give you the chance to save lives.

Lesson 40: Universal Teaching Methods
Although there are three different age/skill groups in the Gracie Bullyproof program, there are a handful of critical teaching methodologies that apply to all children, and those are the ones you need to master first.

Lesson 41: The MOB Detail
MOB stands for “Make it Or Break it” detail.  In this critical conversation, you will understand the one thing you must do, above everything else, to ensure the success of the Gracie Bullyproof program at your school.

Lesson 42: Friendly Discipline
In the Gracie Bullyproof video lessons you learn how to teach one child. In this discussion, you will learn the time-tested secrets to maintaining control over large groups of energetic kids.

Lesson 43: Little Champs Teaching Methods
The Little Champs (ages 5-7) class is certainly the craziest but most enjoyable kids class. In this discussion, Ryron and Rener share the age-specific teaching methodologies that will keep you in control of the chaos.

Lesson 44: Little Champs Group Class
In this live Little Champs group class, you’ll be in awe as you watch Rener and Ryron transform themselves into highly energized and ridiculously playful children in order to captivate and connect with the kids.

Lesson 45: Jr. Grapplers Teaching Methods
When dealing with the Jr. Grapplers (ages 8-13) you must keep the classes challenging and mentally stimulating. In this talk, Ryron and Rener share the additional teaching concepts you’ll need to engage and excite the older kids.

Lesson 46: Jr. Grapplers Group Class
In this live group lesson you’ll see how Rener is able to teach the Jr. Grapplers in a more mature, mentally stimulating fashion without over-complicating the techniques.

Lesson 47: Jr. Combatives Final Thoughts
No matter how well a technique is presented, kids are kids, and they will make mistakes. Expect nothing; praise everything, and the kids will always love learning from you.
Lesson 48: Black Belt Club
Only the most disciplined, focused, and hard-working children ever make it to the Black Belt Club.  In this discussion, Ryron and Rener explain the importance of the club and how to keep its members excited about learning all the way to the top.

Lesson 49: Character Development Program
What gets the parents in the building is self-defense. What keeps the parents in the building is the Character Development Program (CDP). Add this program to your curriculum and your youth retention rate will go through the roof.

Lesson 50: Rules of Engagement
Fear of punishment is the number one reason why a student will not stand up for him/her self against a bully. With the Rules of Engagement, your students will have a step-by-step plan for dealing with bullies and the confidence to implement it.

Lesson 51: Kids’ Promotion Process
For kids, there is nothing more exciting and encouraging than to get a belt promotion. In this talk, Ryron and Rener discuss how the Gracie University Kids’ Promotion Process works and how to leverage the system to provide your students with much more than self-defense.

Lesson 52: Video Evaluation Guidelines
Ryron and Rener provide detailed specifications for each of the five videos that you will need to upload in order to be considered for advancement to the live evaluation at Gracie University Headquarters in Torrance, CA. 

The people in your community are ready to learn, all they need is an instructor. Master Gracie Combatives, submit the inquiry, and get certified so you can make it happen. We'll see you in California!

To view our frequently asked ICP questions, click here. 

The Gracie University Instructor Certification Program (ICP) is broken down into four phases, the most important of which is the Live Evaluation (Phase 3) that takes place twice a year (January and July) at Gracie University Headquarters in Torrance, CA. You must hold a minimum rank of blue belt in Gracie/Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in order to be invited to Phase 3. Upon successful completion of the Live Evaluation, you will be certified to teach the Gracie University programs. In order to qualify to attend any of our scheduled Live Evaluations, however, you must meet several deadlines.

Live or Zoom Evaluation: January 16-18, 2025
If you are interested in attending the January 16-18 Live or Zoom Evaluation, here are the most important dates to be aware of:

  • Gracie Combatives Test Submission (For White Belt Candidates): July 15, 2024
    All candidates who don't already hold rank of blue belt or higher, must complete the Gracie Combatives program, and pass the video evaluation test with a score of 95 or higher on or before July 15, 2024. This is the latest someone could pass their GC test and still be able to meet 6 month advanced jiu-jitsu training requirement for blue belt promotion before the July ICP. While candidates who already hold rank of blue belt or higher may submit their Gracie Combatives Video Test up to 45 days after this deadline, they must carefully consider the additional deadlines below. If you pass the test, you will be able to immediately unlock the Online Instructor Course.
  • Begin Online Instructor Course: September 15, 2024
    September 15 is the last day to unlock the Online Instructor Course and still have the full 60-days of study to submit your Teaching Proficiency Videos (TPVs). If unlocked after this date, a candidate will have less time to prepare for their TPVs, as they will still be required to meet the following deadline.
  • Teaching Proficiency Video Deadline: 60 Days or November 15, 2024
    Upon getting access to the Online Instructor Course, you will have exactly 60 days to complete the course and submit the five Teaching Proficiency Videos (TPVs) demonstrating your comprehension of the instructor material. All five TPVs must be submitted within 60 days of getting access to the online course or by November 15, whichever deadline comes first.
  • Blue Belt Rank Requirement
    Candidates can only participate in the ICP Live Evaluation if they have already passed their blue belt test, or if they hold a rank of blue belt or higher from ours, or another jiu-jitsu organization. If you are a Gracie Combatives graduate, upon completing the Gracie Combatives course, you must dedicate at least six additional months before you may test for blue belt at a Certified Training Center. During that time, focus your training entirely on the techniques, drills, and live sparring exercises in the Master Cycle Blue Belt Stripe 1 (BBS1) curriculum. You must demonstrate fundamental knowledge of all seven positions of the Master Cycle curriculum to pass the blue belt test. On average, a Gracie Combatives graduate will need to dedicate an additional 60-100 hours of BBS1 drilling and sparring in order to pass the blue belt test. Watch the sparring portion of the BBS1 test to gain an understanding of the sparring format and our expectations for your performance.
  • Live Evaluation at Headquarters or Zoom Evaluation: January 16-18, 2025
    If you pass the TPV evaluation on or before the deadline, you will be invited to attend the Live Evaluation at Gracie University Headquarters or the Zoom Evaluation with the Gracie Family, along with other with other qualified candidates from all over the world. Upon passing the Live Evaluation, and for our international candidates, after successfully completing your internship, you will be deemed a certified instructor and you will be authorized to establish a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Certified Training Center (CTC) in your territory.

Live or Zoom Evaluation: July 17-19, 2025
If you are interested in attending the July 17-19 Live or Zoom Evaluation, here are the most important dates to be aware of:

  • Gracie Combatives Test Submission (For White Belt Candidates): January 15, 2025
    All candidates who don't already hold rank of blue belt or higher, must complete the Gracie Combatives program, and pass the video evaluation test with a score of 95 or higher on or before January 15, 2025. This is the latest someone could pass their GC test and still be able to meet 6 month Master Cycle training requirement for blue belt promotion before the January ICP. While candidates who already hold rank of blue belt or higher may submit their Gracie Combatives Video Test up to 45 days after this deadline, they must carefully consider the additional deadlines below. If you pass the test, you will be able to immediately unlock the Online Instructor Course.
  • Begin Online Instructor Course: March 15, 2025
    March 15 is the last day to unlock the Online Instructor Course and still have the full 60-days of study to submit your Teaching Proficiency Videos (TPVs). If unlocked after this date, a candidate will have less time to prepare for their TPVs, as they will still be required to meet the following deadline.
  • Teaching Proficiency Video Deadline: 60 Days or May 15, 2025
    Upon getting access to the Online Instructor Course, you will have exactly 60 days to complete the course and submit the five Teaching Proficiency Videos (TPVs) demonstrating your comprehension of the instructor material. All five TPVs must be submitted within 60 days of getting access to the online course or by May 15, whichever deadline comes first.
  • Blue Belt Rank Requirement
    Candidates can only participate in the ICP Live Evaluation if they have already passed their blue belt test, or if they hold a rank blue belt or higher from ours, or another jiu-jitsu organization. If you are a Gracie Combatives graduate, upon completing the Gracie Combatives course, you must dedicate at least six additional months before you may test for blue belt at a Certified Training Center. During that time, focus your training entirely on the techniques, drills, and live sparring exercises in the Master Cycle Blue Belt Stripe 1 (BBS1) curriculum. You must demonstrate fundamental knowledge of all seven positions of the Master Cycle curriculum to pass the blue belt test. On average, a Gracie Combatives graduate will need to dedicate an additional 60-100 hours of BBS1 drilling and sparring in order to pass the blue belt test. Watch the sparring portion of the BBS1 test to gain an understanding of the sparring format and our expectations for your performance.
  • Live Evaluation at Headquarters or Zoom Evaluation: July 17-19, 2025
    If you pass the TPV evaluation on or before the deadline, you will be invited to attend the Live Evaluation at Gracie University Headquarters or the Zoom Evaluation with the Gracie Family, along with other with other qualified candidates from all over the world. Upon passing the Live Evaluation, and for our international candidates, after successfully completing your internship, you will be deemed a certified instructor and you will be authorized to establish a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Certified Training Center (CTC) in your territory.

Ready for the First Step?
We only certify one training center in each territory. If you’re interested in establishing a CTC in your community (whether you currently own a school or not), the first step is to make sure your territory is available. To verify your territory's availability, and to learn more about the licensing fees associated with establishing a CTC, click here.