Blue Belt Stripe 1: Chapter 7: Standing

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Chapter 7 of the Blue Belt Stripe 1 Course features 11 techniques that will help you and your students become better at Front and Rear Attack Defenses, Weapon Defenses as well as Clinch/Takedown strategies. It is essential that you complete the lessons in the prescribed sequence or else you will have difficulty executing the Rapid Mastery Drills and the Focus Sparring Exercises featured at the end of each lesson. Once you complete all eleven lessons, it is highly recommended that you start over and cycle through them at least two more times before moving on to the next chapter. To get total access to this chapter and all other Gracie University courses, including bonus Gracie Breakdowns and Narrated Sparring Videos, click here to start your 5-day Free Trial!

Chapter Lessons (11)

Lesson 50: Sucker Punch Defense (Ch7.1: Front Attack Defenses)

The Sucker Punch is one of the most challenging attacks to defend against simply because it is extremely powerful and it occurs with such little notice from the opponent. In this lesson, we teach y...

Lesson 51: Standing Headlock Defense (Ch7.1: Front Attack Defenses)

Headlocks are the most common form of street aggression from untrained individuals. In the Gracie Combatives program, you learn the standard defense to the standing headlock, but you don’t learn ho...

Lesson 52: Standard Rear Choke Defense (Ch7.2: Rear Attack Defenses)

The most challenging street fight attacks to defend against are the ones that happen by surprise. Of all the attacks that someone could target you with, there are none more surprising than those th...

Lesson 53: Pullback Rear Choke Defense (Ch7.2: Rear Attack Defenses)

The Standard Variation of the Rear Choke Defense is very effective once your reflexes are soundly developed. But, if rather than simply choking you from behind, your attacker wraps your neck and pu...

Lesson 54: Close Range Club Defense (Ch7.3: Weapon Defenses)

Although most street fights take place between two weaponless individuals, in the event that an armed individual attacks you, you need to know what to do. One of the most widely available and most ...

Lesson 55: Overhand Knife Defense (Ch7.3: Weapon Defenses)

According to law enforcement officials, a knife attack, or any edged weapon at that, can cause as much if not more bodily harm than a gunshot. Although your first line of defense should be to avoid...

Lesson 56: Front Gun Defense (Ch7.3: Weapon Defenses)

If someone’s sole objective is to kill you, you will have a very hard time stopping them. Usually, if someone threatens you with a gun it’s because you have something that they want &nd...

Lesson 57: Over-under Clinch Control (Ch7.4: Clinch/Takedowns)

The optimum clinch control position you can establish in a fight is Double Underhook Control. In this lesson, we introduce you to the key principles of the Over-under Clinch position and then we te...

Lesson 58: "Pisão" Front Kick (Ch7.4: Clinch/Takedowns)

If we could add one technique to the Gracie Combatives program, this would be it. Tested and perfected over three generations, the front kick, or “Pisão” in Portuguese, is the key to establishing t...

Lesson 59: Takedown Chain (Ch7.4: Clinch/Takedowns)

In the Gracie Combatives program, you learned the simplest and most reliable takedown strategies for an untrained, larger, street-fight opponent. In this lesson we teach you a chain of takedown str...

Lesson 60: Double Leg Counter (Ch7.4: Clinch/Takedowns)

In order to become a takedown specialist, you must also master your takedown defense strategies. In this lesson, we introduce you to the quintessential Double Leg Takedown defense strategy, the spr...