Blue Belt Stripe 3: Chapter 7: Standing

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Chapter 7 of the Blue Belt Stripe 3 Course features fourteen lessons which are broken down into four sections: Front Attack Defenses, Rear Attack Defenses, Weapon Defenses, and Clinch/Takedowns . It is essential that you complete the lessons in the prescribed sequence or else you will have difficulty executing the Rapid Mastery Drills and the Focus Sparring Exercises featured at the end of each lesson. Once you complete all fourteen lessons, it is highly recommended that you start over and cycle through them at least two more times before moving on to the next chapter. To get total access to this chapter and all other Gracie University courses, including bonus Gracie Breakdowns and Narrated Sparring Videos, click here to start your 5-day Free Trial!

Chapter Lessons (14)

Lesson 47: One-handed Attack Defense (7.1: Front Attack Defenses)

In this lesson, we add to your arsenal four defenses against one-handed front attacks. First, we teach two shoulder grab variations and then show another sneaky inverted wristlock for use against a...

Lesson 48: Two-handed Collar Grab Defense (7.1: Front Attack Defenses)

An aggressor with a great size or strength advantage will commonly use both hands to grab your shirt or jacket. Their willingness to grab you with both hands indicates they don’t fear your pu...

Lesson 49: Headlock Defense (7.1: Front Attack Defenses)

Headlocks are the most common form of street aggression. In this lesson, we add four more headlock defenses to your survival arsenal. We begin with two headlocks for use against a postured opponent...

Lesson 50: Kick Defense (7.1: Front Attack Defenses)

In a street fight, punches are several times more likely than kicks, but that doesn’t mean they don’t happen. Like punch defense, kick defense is all about distance management. In this ...

Lesson 51: Guillotine Defense (7.1: Front Attack Defenses)

In a clinch, you’re highly vulnerable a headlock or a guillotine. Your survival hinges on your ability to identify the grip and respond with the right technique. In this lesson, you will lear...

Lesson 52: Rear Grab Defense (7.2: Rear Attack Defenses)

An assailant will attempt an ambush from behind to maximize their advantage. You already know how to counter the most common bear hugs and chokes. In this lesson, we’ll address the two-hande...

Lesson 53: Rear Choke Defense (7.2: Rear Attack Defenses)

Defending against unexpected rear attacks presents the greatest challenge. To increase your chances of survival, we will add two rear choke defensive techniques to your arsenal. Use the side throw ...

Lesson 54: Hostage Knife Defense (7.3: Weapon Defenses)

Hostage situations are everyone’s worst nightmare. If held hostage by a knife-wielding person, stay calm and attempt to resolve the situation using verbal and psychological jiu-jitsu. If you ...

Lesson 55: Holstered Gun Defense (7.3: Weapon Defenses)

When the attacker has a gun, quickly try to flee the scene. If you can’t escape, gain control of the weapon to neutralize the threat. In this lesson, we will discuss two more gun defenses for use w...

Lesson 56: Hostage Gun Defense (7.3: Weapon Defenses)

If someone has a gun to your head, do what they ask. If you can’t comply, defend yourself. In this lesson, we teach you two new hostage gun defenses – one for the side stickup and one for the rear ...

Lesson 57: Arm Drags (7.4: Clinch/Takedowns)

The most important part of any takedown is the setup. Without it, your opponent will read your intentions and pre-empt your move. One of the most deceptive takedown entries is the arm drag. The arm...

Lesson 58: Throwing Techniques (7.4: Clinch/Takedowns)

Grand Master Helio thoroughly enjoyed practicing throwing techniques in his younger years. But as he got older, he dedicated less time to their practice due to his small size and aging body. Altho...

Lesson 59: Wall Takedowns (7.4: Clinch/Takedowns)

If you must fight in an enclosed space, it’s likely that you will end up against a wall. In this lesson, we will discuss the critical details for maintaining optimal control of your opponent agains...

Lesson 60: Wall Takedown Counters (7.4: Clinch/Takedowns)

As always, understanding wall takedowns is the key to preventing them. In this lesson, we will dissect the weaknesses in each of the wall takedown and control techniques to increase your chance of ...