The enemy is not the person you’re sparring against. The enemy is in your head. Your ego is the enemy,
Dean96734 (11/25/2024 10:57 PM)
Gracie University 1
A mindset direction I follow as a white belt: I have a goal of reaching 500 tap-outs that's ME tapping out to be clear:D
I do try to survive in each roll of course. When I tap out, however, I feel good because I'm 1 tap closer to my goal :D
Issamle (9/8/2022 12:04 PM)
You're on the right path.
Gracie University 1
Great videos , I just started attending a bjj school , not a CTC this academy is very convenient drive can I attend this academy and integrate what I learn from combative or am I wasting my time ? Thanks
Felipe 6 (3/29/2022 4:51 PM)
It's possible. But, ensure you're able to maintain the street self-defense mindset from GU when learning other techniques. If the BJJ school already has this mindset, then you're in good hands. If not, be wary of sport applications that could leave you punch vulnerable or exhausted from excessive use of energy to force moves.
Gracie University 1
Where is all this energy coming from? What kind of coffee do you drink? (on 2x playback.) XD
DeLeon10 (7/17/2020 11:45 AM)
No coffee - pure Renergy.
Gracie University 1
This is more a suggestion than a question. I think for a higher belt sparring against a lower belt, offer your thoughts AS you spar. A puple can smash a blue or white so whats my point. A purple should offer his/her thought process throughout the roll. "Ok im thinking of going for the armbar because you are giving me your arm." "Oh I better watch out for that Americana you have a chance for." "I got you in punchblock 1. I think i can trap and roll here." "You using alot of energy imbjust gonna defend and gas you out." All verbally. So a lower belt can understand the thoughtbprocess of a higher belt.
White Belt Warrior (5/25/2019 8:37 AM)
Thanks for your input!
This is awesome. I had a negative experience at my gym on Monday, where a white belt with multiple stripes went all-out against me. I didn't consider quitting after that or anything, but it was the first time I felt like I didn't belong in the BJJ community. After learning the script technique from this video ("Hey, I don't really know any good ____ moves, can you show me what you'd do?"), I'm actually looking forward to rolling with that person again so I can try the script out. Thanks for posting this!
toomanyrichies (10/4/2018 6:41 PM)
Awesome! Thanks for the feedback!
Thankyou. I really needed to hear this.
Hoolly Doolly (7/11/2018 1:36 PM)
Thanks for the feedback, enjoy your journey!
I just started training at a bjj school and the higher belts and more experienced students are using techniques I haven’t learned yet during sparring. Do you have suggestions for ways to stay safe during sparring as a new student?
maysek10 (7/6/2018 8:25 AM)
Find a cooperative partner and learn to tap quickly.
Gracie University 1
I've been training at a CTC for about a month and a half. I rolled tonight for the first time with another person who started training the same time I did. I got submitted three times in just a few minutes but I didn't care. We both had a good time and it was all good.
Mike4370 (6/18/2018 10:10 PM)
Glad you had fun and didn't get hurt. We very strongly recommend not sparing in the beginning! In fact, the longer you can hold off on sparing, the longer your Jiu-Jitsu career will be!
I just posted a question under "Techniques" in the Forum before i saw this video. This is very helpful considering that I still don't know what i am doing and spending most of my time defending more than anthing else.
LLL (6/25/2016 9:06 PM)
That's the foundation of it all, defense!
How long should I wait till sparing? I just getting started and am having trouble finding partners but there is a "Ground" course at my gym but where they learn a technique (I have no idea who they learned from) and then spar - will sparing this early maybe make bad habits?
RicD (5/3/2016 4:07 PM)
Yes, and it's potentially dangerous. You have to crawl before your walk and walk before you run. That's why we delay sparring until blue belt and, even then, most of our sparring is focused on a position and related sets of techniques.
Gracie University 1
When in the Master Cycle do we start sparring? And is the sparring the same type as what you would find in a sport bjj gym? Is it part of a class that we are learning a technique in or is it its own class. Where can I find the master curriculum? I understand the curriculum of Gracie Combatitive (which is great) but I can't fully understand where the "rolling" fits in. Thanks
GJJjunky (2/16/2016 7:16 AM)
Sparing occurs during every Master Cycle class. We alternate between gi sparing, no-gi sparing, fight simulation, and street sparing, among others.