Gracie Philosophy

Jiu-Jitsu Over 40 (5 Rules to Roll Till 95)

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Q. I started my Journey in Gracie Jiu Jitsu at the age of 40, having my mind already set to acknowledge that there will be ups and downs and put my best foot forward and continue to train til I no longer can!!! This was a boost in morale!!! Appreciate this video!!!
LopezL1 (8/24/2024 12:57 AM)
A. It's one of the best and increasingly popular as our students add on the years!
Gracie University 1
Q. Why stop at 95? Let's go to 120! I really appreciate the wisdom in this video. It applies to life in general and specifically on what learning, growing, and maturing really mean. Thank you.
Detroit (5/12/2024 12:54 PM)
A. It becomes more meaningful as you age.
Gracie University 1
Q. whats the technique that beats every one I must know!!!!
Guytink (4/17/2024 12:01 PM)
A. Avoiding the fight! Verbal jiu-jitsu always beats physical jiu-jitsu.
Gracie University 1
Q. As someone who just started at age 58, this is great!
Foxwalker (4/5/2024 4:42 PM)
A. Our many students over 50 would agree with you, along with those over 60 and over 70!
Gracie University 1
Q. This is the first video I watched. At 42 this is what I needed to hear. Well done. You guys have amazing energy
Joshua James Earl (3/15/2024 12:50 PM)
A. We have many students in this age group. It's proof that the approach works!
Gracie University 1
Q. 44 now and thought I couldn't do Ju-Jutsu at all with what's left. Started Combatives last week and love the vibe in this community. Can't tell how encouraging this lesson is.
O_Eisenbarth (3/3/2024 10:40 AM)
A. We're here for students just like you!
Gracie University 1
Q. I started at 53! January 28th 2023! Little over a year now and I love it!
K_Rigdon (3/2/2024 4:26 PM)
A. Thank for the positive feedback!
Gracie University 1
Q. I'm 60... got to love these guys. Do the best you can with what God has given you. Every day is a new day!
Eli5064 (11/30/2023 3:56 PM)
A. Amen.
Gracie University 1
Q. starting at 62. this video is inspiring.
DRedpath (10/20/2023 3:12 PM)
A. And you're inspiring with your commitment to fitness!
Gracie University 1
Q. I turned 60 in August and just started the Gracie Combatives.
GAS Guzzler (10/1/2023 5:53 PM)
A. You can do it!
Gracie University 1
Q. Hello There. Thank you for this, I started my Gracie Journey September last year at age 52 and loving it. I am going to grade for my Combatives belt in July, super excited!!!! All I can say is that, it is lifechanging for me. I loved your analogy of the marathon runner coming from that background I can relate, I have slowed down on the long distance running as wanted to realise new strength goals. The day I walked into Gracie Cape Town I have not looked back. I am happy to say so far I am well able to train with my BJJ daughters and sons at the academy. My reflexes are faster than they were in my 20s. However I am in this for the long haul, so for me safety and injury prevention are paramount for longevity as I want to do this until I am 100. ( My Granny lived healthily until age 103 so I have a good chance LOL)
Breda Celtic girl (6/8/2023 7:53 AM)
A. Welcome to the jiu-jitsu journey! You're inspiring.
Gracie University 1
Q. I just turned 40 (March). I started training in December of last year, and after 3 classes of being subbed by everyone, my ego took a hit and I stopped going to classes. I understand now that it had to do with being thrown in the deep end, without any structure. I really appreciate the work you have both done in putting this course together. I'm REALLY looking forward to this journey and as soon as I get my blue belt, I'm coming to Torrence!!
Omasan (4/18/2023 1:57 AM)
A. We look forward to training with you!
Gracie University 1
Q. I'll admit it. I'm the guy at 17:30 in this video. Stuck at four stripes, I use flare ups of old injuries (what the Army and VA refer to as "fair wear and tear") and my approaching 55th birthday as lame excuses to not resume training for a Combatives belt.
patrickstivers (1/5/2023 2:47 PM)
A. Go at your own pace and choose considerate partners.
Gracie University 1
Q. This keeps me going! The body is changing. I have good days and bad days. This year is 50 for me. One of the main vids I watched that brought me to GU. I cannot rely on athleticism much longer
Cleon Joseph (10/8/2022 10:30 PM)
A. Nobody taps father time. Stay on the path and adjust as required. We have many students and instructors who are over 50.
Gracie University 1
Q. This is funny because I'm starting at 45 so I'm never going to beat anyone. LOL
Brian vanMastrigt (9/2/2022 4:44 PM)
A. Maybe not, but you'll be beating people half your age who aren't on the mat with you!
Gracie University 1
Q. As a 50 yo I deeply loved the lesson. My desire and goal is to train as GM Helio. Sharing knowledge and life skills to many. Want to don the gi until I pass away to a better life. Really enjoyed this lesson. Thank you Prof. Rener and Ryron. Leaving the ego at the door and passing the guard hit home!
Dr V (1/10/2022 5:41 PM)
A. You're welcome!
Gracie University 1
Q. I play chess also. In chess, if you lose a game to someone then you lose many rating points — the lower your opponent’s rating then the more points you would lose. Similar to jujitsu, as chess players age their abilities decline. Naturally they lose rating points as they lose more often to weaker players — but a player’s rating can never drop more than 200 points below his or her highest rating. Perhaps something like that would work in jujitsu belt ranking?
MikeGraves (1/9/2022 3:22 PM)
A. You could say we do that already in that we don't take belts or stripes away from practitioners once they've earned them regardless of how rusty they become as they age.
Gracie University 1
Q. Another great message. The sense of humor is appreciated.
Vincent Virgilio (12/11/2021 9:13 AM)
A. Thank you!
Gracie University 1
Q. Just starting this journey at 54 and 77kg. I needed to hear this. Actually some already has been “self talk” as I roll with younger, larger, more athletic individuals. Can you elaborate on the “Blackbelt Bounceback” factor? Is this resiliency or stick-to-itness? Much appreciated.
Peter L (12/5/2021 12:12 PM)
A. It's both. Learn to accept the ups and downs of training, but never quit. View your training through the long lens of health and fitness and forego getting caught up in "winning" and "losing."
Gracie University 1
Q. hi there. learning BJJ for 15 years now, have an academy where I have been teaching and competing. 2016 till now, I have gone through several surgeries (I was 36 to now turning 41 this year). trying to recover Fromm the surgeries and just life in general, I started to break down, loosing my athleticism, just mentally also not being on the top like I used to...I think I don't need to describe the scenario as you guys actually summarised it perfectly.. I could not feel more concerned with this video and will do my best to share it to my friends and members because turn over in bjj and loosing members is I feel a bad part of business growth as well. you both are awesome, thanks for your contribution to this world. Oss Julien
Aranhabjj (7/20/2021 2:40 PM)
A. Thank you! Stay on the mat!
Gracie University 1
Q. Thanks Ryron & Rener! I'm at the 2nd strip white belt point attending Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Chandler Az, with Covid I have been on Zoom attendance for a year now 56 years old I just began feeling weaker and was in the middle of reassessments upon finding this video not so much as quitting, but did forget one of the reasons I began... to enjoy the roll. Just to enjoy the learnings and time at hand, i refer to my after class time as that i had just been to my chiropractor and feel great, all loosened up : ) Thank you for the words of wisdom and to keep it fun oh!!! to Keep It Playful! Don't get too serious. I just got that! Have a Great day Everybody! Trent
TrentAZ (6/1/2021 5:55 AM)
A. Thanks for the feedback. Keep up the good work!
Gracie University 1
Q. What was the one move that submits anyone through 95 years old: lol?
Sonney (11/29/2020 5:29 PM)
A. Time.
Gracie University 1
Q. Might we say, 'Grow old Gracie-fully'?
DharmeshD (11/21/2020 3:54 PM)
A. Helio, yea!
Gracie University 1
Q. Thanks so much for this. I wish that everyone who started JJ understood and applied these rules. I trained in the late 90’s and early 2000’s at a Gracie Gym in Philadelphia associated with Royce. I was 38-41 at the time. I loved my gym but after getting my blue belt was getting hurt more often because many times my instructor would use me as an “example” (140lb 40-year old woman) when brand new young guys off the street would come in and he would have me spar with them. I could submit them but it took awhile and I felt it was dangerous. I’m in the military and was transferred and was out of JJ for 20 years because I couldn’t find a gym with the right atmosphere for me to learn more. Now at 60, I have recently started training again at a local gym which is very sport focused but I have been applying your rules without knowing I was. I am very particular about who I roll with. I focus on surviving and energy conversation. Even though I don’t “win” many times when I spar, I’m happy when it takes my opponent a long time and they are more winded than I am after 5 or 10 minutes. And I am using your videos and am going to go through the Women Empowered course with some women at work and will hopefully go through the Combatives after that.
DonnaC (9/7/2019 11:35 AM)
A. Congratulations! You're a poster child for GJJ.
Gracie University 1
Q. I was born and raised in the last 3 GJJ now GU academies so always being exposed to 3,4 and 5, prepared me for 1 and 2. Now 52, 1 is great to acknowledge from one of our legends and 2 has finally happened. Great respect for the “Boyd belts” and now having to “pass the guard” is a great experience, thank goodness 3,4,5 is always discussed and part of our overall philosophy because honestly, I am not sure I would’ve handled #2 the way I did, which was sheer happiness and pride for the young gun! Seen this video several times but it certainly means more now. Onward.
Garrick (4/16/2019 11:43 AM)
A. Thank you for your feedback!
Q. Waiting for that technique!!!! Chirp chirp …….still waiting.....awesome and thank you, I'm 45 years old and began my Jiu Jitsu journey in the summer of 2018. My instructor is in his late 50's and loves sharing his passion for the sport. I listen to the young guys in my class complain about aches and pains and they say it gets worse as they get closer to 35 years old, WOW!! I'm heading to my first Reflex Development class this week and it feels like these young bucks have a bullseye on my seriously send me the link for that technique!!!!!! I also read the Gracie Diet book and have adjusted my diet to eliminate pork products and I now consume Coconut water on training days, what a great source of energy. Enjoy your week and God Bless.
The Accountant (11/27/2018 9:02 AM)
A. Amazing, keep enjoying your journey!
Q. I'm 55. Have had dislocated shoulder and partially ruptured ACL (but otherwise quite fit) The local gym is a more sports oriented Gracie Barra. I'm not sure it's wise to start bjj! What do you think?
Afuera (11/5/2018 3:32 PM)
A. Each school is different. Talk with the head instructor there. We strongly encourage you to find a CTC near you!
Q. You guys are my heroes. I can't express how you've made a difference in my life. When talking about passing the "guard" in JJ it's confusing. When I was instructing in the military I used to call it passing the "torch". I think its a commonly used expression for letting a newer person take over the mission. IDk Just a thought. All possible respect gentlemen.
JonnyB (11/4/2018 11:05 AM)
A. Thank you for the feedback!
Q. Shared with the Martial Arts Instructor community. Thank you so much for this video.
SkrockiJ (8/11/2018 2:47 AM)
A. Awesome! Thanks for the feedback!
Q. Not a question but want to validate that at age 43 and having trained in Silat, Muay Thai and Shotokan Karate, starting BJJ at my age as a newbie is probably the most difficult challenge I have faced in my Martial Arts Journey. In Karate I can practice Kihon and Kata on my own, with muay thai I can practice my striking techniques on the bag on my own. Im finding the learning progress is much slower for me in BJJ being limited to training at my club only. I understand why we train 5 days a week in our gym now but my family and other committments only allows me to train maybe once or twice a week. I was in a crossroad on whether it was worth continuing BJJ but this has helped me decide to continue. If anything BJJ is the best all body work out out of all the martial arts ive experienced and a lot of fun rolling, even though I get my arse kicked by all the young bucks. Thankyou.
Hoolly Doolly (7/11/2018 12:34 PM)
A. Jiu-Jitsu for life!
Q. I am an international instructor (5 dan) TKW ITF & Wing Chun Instructor, 37 years in MA, and I must say that this is absolutely something every serious student and teacher of MA should listen to. Excellent!!
Geko21 (3/18/2018 12:25 PM)
A. Agreed!
Q. I'm 57, studied and taught Karate, TKD and Hapkido for 30 years...wish you guys were around as teachers when I was starting out. Awesome attitude! Awesome outlook!
RobertY (10/6/2017 12:22 PM)
A. Thanks for the feedback!
Q. This is a lesson that everyone who trains in any martial art should listen to.
Casty (3/4/2017 8:03 PM)
A. Agreed. Thank you for the endorsement.
Gracie University 1
Q. What was the last. Technique that you guys were going to show quickly that he would use to submit the biggest baddest guys?
Juzz (6/2/2016 6:05 PM)
A. That's top secret. We could tell you, but then we'd have to submit you! :-)
Q. I know you guys aren't going out of your way to attract super athletic guys who are really explosive but if you get super strong, big, fast athletes who start adopting these principles you guys teach, they would be unstoppable.
Vash1202 (12/25/2015 7:12 PM)
A. Yes, but a good defense goes a long way against someone with physical superiority and equal technical skill.
Gracie University 1
Q. Hi Guys!!! There is a mind reflection to be made at the end of that video, right? the learning is ridden in the whole lesson and not in a unique technique, that is correct? By the way!!! thanks a lot!
Laurenti (12/18/2015 4:22 PM)
A. The "mindset minute" is a parting thought on the overall lesson.
Gracie University 1
Q. Love the part at the end with Ryron talking about jiu-jitsu being survival and not tapping people out. This really keeps the ego in check. I totally get it. Great stuff! Thanks guys
Greenpaulo (1/20/2015 4:14 PM)
A. Thanks for the support!
Q. I really enjoy this clip!! Thank you for sharing!! :)
Poppe (1/14/2015 3:21 PM)
A. You're welcome!
Q. Vez interested in this post as I'm 48, physically in good shape, though maybe not as supple as i once was truth be told. I started BJJ six months ago and am loving it. In fact addicted might be more accurate. I've just started using GU to supplement my all too infrequent visits to my local academy which is also unfortunately more sport based. Keep in touch and tell me how you're going, I'm sure we'll soon be able to teach these young impetuous pups a thing or two. Sorry not really a question just a show of support.
LondonScar (12/29/2014 12:34 PM)
A. Amazing!!! Enjoy the journey, and Keep It Playful!
Q. Hi, I'm 55 years old. I'm in really good condition. I have enjoyed a lifetime of physical fitness, sports school wrestling, hiking, bicycling etc. no drink no smoke, no drugs at all, legal and illegal. I have ZERO BJJ experience. Would it be realistically possible to one day earn a black belt, if I start now?
vez (10/31/2014 8:50 PM)
A. Absolutely! In fact, it has already been done! Enjoy the journey!
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