Hi I'm on disability because of anxiety etc...and I sooo wanna do women empowerment online But my anxiety won't let me do rolls forward and backwards and breakfalls....can women empowerment be done without doing those things?
Bjj84way (9/25/2024 2:23 PM)
Yes. Work into it at your own pace. If you never get there, don't worry about it. They are not essential skills.
Gracie University 1
Hello, I was hoping to get certified in the WE program. I have just completed the combatives ICP. I'm aware that I must master the program and pass the pink belt test with a 95% or greater. I am told that I am not allowed to participate in my local CTC WE classes because I'm a man. It will be very hard for me to find an individual partner to train with being I live 2 hours away from my CTC. Is there another expedient way I might train the WE program before I apply for the WE ICP? Thank you
Minugh (8/15/2024 8:03 PM)
You don't need a CTC student for a partner. Find someone locally who will train with you and go for it.
Gracie University 1
I'm getting ready to test for my pink belt. (I love my women's empowered class!)
But I'm curious if you guys recommend any stretches that help with Jiu-Jitsu in general as I plan on moving to combatives after I earn my pink belt. A lot of us show up early to stretch on our own but some direction would be great! ☺️
NH JenniferS (8/7/2024 7:23 PM)
Most generic warmup stretches apply. Start with your neck and work simple rotations of the joints down each arm, to the hips, and then down to the feet for starters.
Gracie University 1
How can someone purchase a pink GI? Do you have a requirement to purchase one? I know the pink belt I must earn with the WE program, but how about a pink GI, so I could wear to my classes at my GB school?
(7/14/2024 3:16 PM)
We don't have them in the Gracie Store, but you can find them online through other merchants.
Gracie University 1
While it’s good to put on a seminar for health care workers, you could consider the Hospitality Industry.
Chefs, cooks, and servers and how to deal with a drunk guest, without making a scene, or a frisky coworker.
Dkaachef (4/25/2024 7:30 PM)
We'll add them to our list!
Gracie University 1
I was wondering when Can we come in if we hear something going on in case there’s another Laken Riley going on. Maybe you could show so some senarios of that going on.
Dkaachef (3/14/2024 3:38 PM)
We try to stay attuned to these situations and address them in special videos when applicable.
Gracie University 1
My daughter is 6 years old and I'm currently doing with her the Gracie Games. I was wondering at what age should I move from Gracie Bullyproof to the Women Empowered program? As a young teen, like 12 years old maybe? What is your advice?
Lyfstan (12/27/2023 7:34 AM)
It depends on the girl's maturity level. We specify 13 for the course, but we have many 12 year olds benefitting from the program based on the parent's desires.
Gracie University 1
My wife and i would like to know , in average, how long does this course takes from begening to testing? I understand that this may vary from person to person but we would like to have an estimate of time investment needed for this "project"
Thanks a lot and have a great day!
Capt.Kimura (10/3/2023 6:50 PM)
If attending classes at a certified training center twice weekly, it takes at least 8 months to develop the technical accuracy and reflexes that the we seek in a pink belt. You may progress more quickly training at home with more frequent sessions, longer classes, and more repetitions. But, even then, we've found that total time is a factor in how well a student retains the information. We'd recommend you try to complete the course in no less than six months with constant recycling and drilling once you've finished every lesson.
Gracie University 1
Hi, I'm a 17 year old girl and I'm almost done the Gracie Combatives course. I have 2 questions:
1. If I would only do one course, which would be better for me from a self-defense perspective? (I'm not sure which course to recommend to friends my age who also are looking for self-defense)
2. It looks like many of the things taught in this course are the same as Gracie Combatives. Does it make sense to do this course once I already did the other one?
RIVAV (8/27/2023 9:17 PM)
Yes. The Women Empowered® course specifically addresses sexual assault with many additional techniques for distance management and escape not covered in Gracie Combatives®. If you had to pick one for 17-year old girl, we recommend starting with Women Empowered OR take the courses concurrently.
Gracie University 1
Where are you getting the statistics from regarding sexual assaults? I have started working the WE with my two 18 year old daughters and it can be challenging to begin the dialogue. I don’t want to “scare” them into taking WE seriously, but these are the facts of life. If I am acting as the instructor, what are some general guidelines to spark more interest from my daughters?
Jake Keith (6/21/2023 10:20 AM)
Check the footnotes in the journal for sources. There are many.
Gracie University 1
Discovered GU while searching women's self-defense vids on youtube. I was wondering if I described a scenario if someone here might be able to provide a solution. All of the video's I've see appear to address women dealing with a stranger attack, usually outdoors. Sometimes though, it can be a family member or friend/acquaintance, which is the case here.
A 5'11" fit woman is standing facing a wooden table in her home, say a dining table. Maybe she's folding clothes, not paying attention to her friend, a bigger fit man about 6'5", who walks up behind her. He feels she is over-confident about her size and ability (no self-defense training) to defend herself in an unexpected attack, so without warning, he puts her in a chokehold and pushes her forward over the table as he hooks one foot at her ankle and forces her leg out sideways and anchors himself between her legs. His legs are spread apart between hers so that she still use her legs but because her legs are outside his, she can't grab, kick or hit anything with her feet. So he's got one arm around her neck, his body bent over and pressing her into the table, his other arm free to do whatever. I can't see any way for her to use her elbows or arms to ram him in any useful way. How could she escape from this attack?
Thanks for your thoughts.
spookaroo (12/1/2022 1:13 AM)
We'd have to see it and work through the problem to give you a good answer. But, from what you've described, there's not much the BG can do because he's committed to pinning you. Patience and a false surrender would be the response if no immediate exit is available.
Gracie University 1
Why despite a staggering amount of advocacy for Women's Empowered in Parma, Ohio social media for the last two years where I basically claim that Eve is the ultimate blessing to the world and other phrases going into WE extensively explaining why it is the best. Why Did the Parma, Ohio Police Department host recently a women's self defense 9 hour program that is right out of Gabrielle Rubin and Nick Drossos that is extremely impractical including even promoting the slot machine and wiggling the hips in a mount postion. I can't believe the most educated city area citizens in the country about jui jutsi and Eve and Rener actually had a program promoting strikes and not chokes where they never even mentioned alavanca, or managing the distance to manage the damage or controlling the clock, etc.
MelissaBenoist (11/6/2022 6:17 PM)
MelissaBenoist (11/6/2022 6:22 PM)
You can lead a horse to water....
Gracie University 1
This is more an observation then a question. IMO, the new Women Empowered Course is better then the original and the original was Great! Its further my opinion that for SD this course is of equal value to a man as a woman. Its the best bare bones, no frills SD course I have seen. Keep Up The Great Work!
SuperHawk (10/29/2022 9:19 AM)
Thanks! We put a lot of thought into the course.
Gracie University 1
Although I used to be fairly fit, it's been years since I was in shape. I'm trying to get my fotnwas back in track but currently have alow level of stamana.
Is this pink belt course still something I could achieve?
Cat55 (8/19/2022 11:19 AM)
Gracie University 1
I just got the Women Empowered Course for my wife but under my account. But then read that she will need to create her own account to submit her test. I am assuming that we don't have to buy the course twice in order for her to submit her test, correct? If, yes than how can we rectify this? Thanks
djr76 (1/10/2022 11:35 AM)
You should be able to upload the test under her account without having to purchase a second subscription.
Gracie University 1
I am trying to get a women's self defense program going in Parma, Ohio inspired by Nicole Brown in the past and Melissa in the present. I have a question. Would a woman who isn't a 3 time WWE Champion and does this all the time, benefit in strength, especially doing the mount grap and roll when she uses her hips to turn over, by doing other workout videos like Lisa Christie, Denise Austin, Kristin McGee, Tracy Smith. Or will that not really help. Will running just a few miles a day and maybe a few times ihe gym for upper torso work be enough.
MelissaBenoist (1/1/2022 11:56 AM)
Any woman of average stature and fitness can effectively use the Women Empowered techniques. It always helps to be fit, strong, and flexible, but it's not required. Your plan to run and lift sounds like a good one.
Gracie University 1
No new technique until the old ones are rock solid, sounds great, can we apply exact same perspective in other programs like Gracie Combatives?
Djabriil (12/10/2021 6:13 AM)
Yes, it's a core principle in our teaching /learning methodology.
Gracie University 1
Hi! Are Spanish subtitles available? Thanks!
StevenAtitlan (12/9/2021 5:39 PM)
Not yet.
Gracie University 1
Are Spanish subtitles available?
StevenAtitlan (11/26/2021 3:24 AM)
Not yet.
Gracie University 1
If me and my partner do the course, can be bout be certified?
EduardoMqz (11/25/2021 5:30 PM)
Each must have their own GU account to test.
Gracie University 1
How do I designate my K'NPO DOJO(MMA)as a Gracie Jiujitsu School and how do get Certified to. Teach Fit Jitsu?
Littleliom (10/1/2021 10:06 PM)
Check out the "Become an Instructor" tab under the Curriculum tab in the menu bar.
Gracie University 1
For the pink belt test, do I have to record it in a non-stop video without editing (am I allow to edit / cut / pause during test), and do I have to find a big man partner or just any adult partner to demonstrate the techniques?
j4dy (7/24/2021 10:04 AM)
You cannot edit. You can take a short break between the technical drills and the fight simulations, but leave the camera running. Any partner will do.
Gracie University 1
May I confirm that, other than the course fee, we have to pay an extra test fee to get certified?
j4dy (7/24/2021 9:52 AM)
You pay a test fee for pink belt in addition to the course fee.
Gracie University 1
Thank you, but that doesn't really answer my question. Do I need to complete every single VARIATION of each technique (e.i. all 5 trap and rolls, and all 3 elbow escapes, and all 5 stages of punch block and, all 9 variations of guard get-ups, etc.) in the 2-minute freestyle? On your website, it says "as many as possible" but on the printable list of techniques, it says ALL techniques.
JustinaL (3/18/2021 9:00 AM)
Assuming that you're referring to the Pink Belt Qualification Test, you don't have to demonstrate every variation of every technique in the freestyle drills. However, your bad guy should constantly be presenting new behaviors. The BG should avoid repeating behaviors to maximize the number of different techniques in the freestyle drills.
Gracie University 1
I am having trouble completing every technique during the 2-minute freestyle test. Am I required to demonstrate every variation of every technique in that timeframe? If so, is it acceptable for that part of the test to be longer than 2 minutes?
JustinaL (3/14/2021 3:07 PM)
You can do it! If not, then explain why you can't and we'll consider your justification during the grading.
Gracie University 1
How do I know which leg to put forward? I see Eve tends to use her left leg in most instances, does this change to the other side if I am left-handed?
770ABA (2/11/2021 11:50 AM)
That's a viable option.
Gracie University 1
Do both myself and my partner need to purchase the course? (I understand we both pay separate testing fees.)
SusanM (1/23/2021 7:40 PM)
Gracie University 1
Where do I find the fight philosophy lessons that you mentioned in women empowered?
sheenlit (1/5/2021 5:22 AM)
Gracie University 1
What are the pros and cons of buying the WE 2.0 DVDs and buying the lessons here at Gracie University? What are some of the major pros of buying the classes online? The DVDs seem easier to get on my TV but the online option seems to come with so much more?
Baldwin86 (1/2/2021 1:10 AM)
You've answered your own question. The difference is ease of use versus quick access to updates.
Gracie University 1
Hi. How to I access the women's empowered manual, lesson schedule and profess tracker
Jennifer hand (11/19/2020 2:10 PM)
You can access those documents from the "My Files" tab on the "My Dashboard" page.
Gracie University Support
Is there a closed forum, just for women, students of WE, to give and receive encouragement, etc.?
Backfist64 (8/24/2020 4:39 PM)
Sorry, but we don't have a closed forum for WE students.
Gracie University 1
Hello, I have a 14 year old daughter. Would she be better off in the Women Empowered Program or Jr. Combatives?
Vista (7/9/2020 3:18 PM)
If you can't do both, then start with Women Empowered and transition her to the Combatives course. The decision is partly based on your daughter's maturity level and how she learns. All of the courses are fun and enjoyable, but those designed for kids are lighter while the adult courses are more serious.
Gracie University 1
How do you approach learning Jiu-Jitsu when you have a knee injury?
Erica02 (6/15/2020 9:13 PM)
You can modify many moves to accommodate a physical limitation, but the person you need to ask for a definitive answer is your doctor.
Gracie University 1
is it good to defend myself even I am downs syndrome?
cheche (5/17/2020 4:35 PM)
It's always good to defend yourself.
Gracie University 1
Hello. How many times are we expected to go through each lesson before taking the pink belt test? Are we supposed to tricycle? Should we stay on each lesson until we've perfected it before moving on to the next one? Thanks on all counts.
Radical Bradical (5/6/2020 7:27 PM)
It depends on you. The objective is to develop a correct reflex. For most students, that takes 3-4 repetitions of the lesson. Whether you stay on one or work on several lessons at the same time is up to you. Both techniques can work.
Gracie University 1
im from NZ but i would love to pass this course! do i still earn a pink belt even though im at the bottom of the world ? lol
Ngatoria Epapara (4/22/2020 4:48 AM)
Gracie University 1
My wife and I Love you guys. Your instructionals are the best!!! We have Gracie Combatives (which I gave a 5 star verified purchase review on Amazon), BullyProof (our child is under 3, but we are trying), and Women Empowered on DVD. I just bought your Street Chokes Seminar. My question is: since we have the original Women Empowered, how different is the material on Women Empowered 2.0? I see it's only Rener and Eve without the other family members, but is there a change in philosophy or technique that we should be aware of?
OldJoe (4/15/2020 3:39 PM)
WE 2.0 adds detail to all of the techniques in the original version and adds several new ones. Everything you learned in the original remains the same, we've just improved the presentations based on lessons learned from hundreds of hours of teaching the course at Gracie University. We've also increased emphasis on verbal strategies, situational awareness, and reflex development training.
Gracie University 1
Where and how do I find a training partner? I don't have one.
Amyleighmomof3 (4/9/2020 12:28 PM)
You can search for a GU student through the GU database, but your best bet is to grab a friend and convince them to train with you.
Gracie University 1