Gracie Philosophy

D.E.C.S. (Defend, Escape, Control, Submit)

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Q. This is my favorite lesson in the entire curriculum. I notice this concept appears frequently in other philosophy lessons and throughout the BBS curriculum. As a newly minted Combatives belt, I'm evaluating the BBS1-4 videos and have a question. Since I'll be starting rolling at some point, would you recommend I initially focus on lessons that are more defense, escape, and control-oriented before learning additional submissions? Or should I just learn in traditional master cycle sequence? I believe the former approach will help me put the survival mindset into practice because it will be my primary focus. Thanks in advance!
 (7/30/2024 9:53 PM)
A. The curriculum is designed for linear progression. Many of the DEC moves you learn later in the course are based on submissions and controls that you learned on the front end. In other words, you need to learn the submissions and controls in order to learn the counters and escapes later in the course. You can still apply the DECS mindset to prioritize your efforts as you work your way through the curriculum.
Gracie University 1
Q. I was taught this as a white belt by instructor (now almost brown belt). One thing I have experienced in many of the schools I have visited trying to find a home after I moved is.... the amount of pushback on it. Why do so many people push back on this process? Context people ask me a question so I answered with what I do, I don't just bring it up unless I am teaching a class.
 (7/25/2024 11:34 AM)
A. The resistance comes from those who have been trained with a sport mentality. They're focused on scoring points and time limits, neither of which are concerns in street self-defense were survival is job #1.
Gracie University 1
Q. Couldn't have said it better myself, (no really, I'm a white belt) But this is why I pass 10,000 schools and saved £10,000GBP on my way to go train at the Gracie HQ in Torrence for 6 months when I download my Tourist Visa...! Because when I kick his ass all over the mats...! ( ZzzzzzZzzz) (that's me knocking some Zee's out, sleeping from a choke and dreaming) the icing on the cake of the lesson surely though is actual real life live demo, (Mr Gracie in action.... Andre)
Rob UK (11/12/2022 11:14 AM)
A. It works!
Gracie University 1
Q. This is THE MOST important video about Jiu Jitsu. I watched it when I first started Jiu Jitsu 2 years ago and I just watched it again and learned more things! I am a 5' 5" 140lb woman and my training partners are 30-40lb heavier than me (some more skilled than others). I am going to try the Survival mindset.. I feel somehow during training it got lost and I got focussed on Escapes.... with the Survival mindset I can see how Defending becomes the priority. I must practice this approach. I would appreciate any additional advice or guidance... Thank You :)
Anisha Sharma (4/15/2022 3:09 PM)
A. It sounds like you've already figured it out! The survival mindset starts with defending.
Gracie University 1
Q. Also, isn’t this theory easier to implement in a match than in a street fight
Kathryn H. (6/8/2021 1:31 AM)
A. It is universally applicable, especially in a street fight without points, rules, weight classes, referees, and time limits. It's simply a prioritization of your focus and mindset at each stage of the fight. You can end the fight at any stage (for example, escape and it's over), so the progression to controlling and submitting isn't a requirement.
Gracie University 1
Q. Is it not also the case that the longer you defend, the more chance of your opponent doing serious damage.
Kathryn H. (6/8/2021 1:27 AM)
A. Not if you're defending successfully. The point is that you may jeopardize your first priority if you try to jump to the latter three before ensuring your survival. You could argue that the first level of defense is to not get caught in the first place and call that escaping, but you get the idea.
Gracie University 1
Q. At my gym, I’m 45 and I realized that I couldn’t fight those 10-20 years and 10-20kg heavier than me and i often gassed out from trying to escape to better position. For now I often try not to escape that much and try defense and conserve energy and found that I was able to roll even longer period of time... oh I watch the match between Ryron Gracie Vs Andre Galvao. Very inspiring... Some of us do BJJ competition from time to time just for the fun of it. I find that I was able to survive the 7 mins round without getting submitted... of course I losing points ... but still fun...
Loo Chee Chuan (4/16/2021 2:09 AM)
A. You've got it!
Gracie University 1
Q. Is there a general principle (s) of DECS? For example, going with the aggressor's force instead of trying to counter it with force.
Elfegobaca (3/21/2021 9:59 AM)
A. There are many principles that apply to this philosophy. You'll learn them all in the Purple Belt Course!
Gracie University 1
Q. Thanks Ryron ! Amazing content and very valuable framework that can apply to business, life, relationships and jiu jitsu:) Thanks for sharing your insight!
Soltero (12/1/2020 1:33 AM)
A. Ryron says, "you're welcome!"
Gracie University 1
Q. Where is Spain?
DeLeon10 (5/10/2020 11:28 PM)
A. In Europe.
Gracie University 1
Q. Thank you for the Lesson - again - with such good substance. Are there scenarios where survival is possible without submission. I imagine it is and will observe and hope to hear your views on this question.
Vonk (1/4/2020 7:11 AM)
A. Yes, control can be an excellent form of submission!
Q. WOW WOW !! I am a blue belt stripe 1 from Marcello Tolentino Under Evanri Gurgel, Brazil Curitiba, team Arena BjJ HERE IN montreal! and this is revolutionary! Thank you Ryron! That mindset is what jiujitsu is really is!
Diabjj (12/21/2019 9:09 AM)
A. You're welcome!
Gracie University 1
Q. This video is gold. I have watched it three times now. Every time I watch it, my time on the mat becomes more enjoyable. Due to my smaller size, I tend to be on the bottom a lot. The survival mindset really helped me to be comfortable in inferior positions and wait for escape opportunities to come. I wish my local Jiu-Jitsu schools teach philosophies this way. But having access to Gracie University is the advantage for us online students. Much thanks Ryron for sharing this.
FitTime (4/4/2019 8:47 PM)
A. Amazing! Thanks for the feedback.
Q. I have a question Do I have to order training in order of defense, control, escape, and submission? my English skill is not good, hope you understand!
On Shin (3/23/2019 5:23 AM)
A. No, you can train in any order you like. Enjoy!
Q. thank you, riron i am very impressed your video . it is very useful and helpful !
On Shin (1/25/2019 7:57 AM)
A. Agreed! Thank you for the feedback!
Q. No questions here, just serious props. Thank you Ryron for this incredible wisdom. I have been applying the DECS philosophy into my training and I can't tell you how much more effective and ENJOYABLE it has become. I can attest to the fact that the "passive" steps do in fact set up the "active" steps beautifully. Thanks again. Very much so appreciate true Helio Gracie Jiu-Jitsu structured expertly into a curriculum that is mind-blowingly organized.
Trevor P (11/30/2018 11:04 AM)
A. Agreed! Thank for the feedback!
Q. I wish the CTC taught this way....there is too much MMA there. This is just like Ryron said with doing jiu-jitsu into your 90s. Competitions without being celebrated for how survival should be, THE MOST POINTS GIVEN to the compeditors, is "landing hurtful punches" to jiu-jitsu as a whole DAILY! So then the question seems to be When and how do we defend and control this from happening using "RECON" in conjunction with "trading up"?
SkrockiJ (9/7/2018 11:27 PM)
A. Yup. Thanks for the feedback!
Q. On the detailed printout, should number 3 read “Control” instead of escape? They currently read Defend, Escape, Escape, Sumbit.
Matajl (8/3/2018 10:07 PM)
A. Great catch, thanks!
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