Parent Preparation - Gracie Bullyproof®

Parent Preparation


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Q. How do you get the belt stripes? Do you purchase them or are they sent through the mail?
DDruziak (6/7/2024 11:30 AM)
A. We do not send the kids stripes through the mail. We recommend you award a stripe after they complete 20 classes (and there are 4 stripes per belt). We recommend you use white athletic tape on the black bar of the belt.
Gracie Support Team
Q. Does Gracie University have any knowledge of/documentation of data/research by parents and/or teachers of pre and post behavioral data or self-efficacy scale ratings? Even more specifically from teachers/parents of students with emotional and behavioral disabilities who have utilized the Bullyproof program or even just specific lessons/components of the program? I think Gracie U has fantastic explicit instruction for students and instructors and fantastic lessons in areas specific populations of students need explicit instruction in (communication, regulation, deescalation, etc).
Srboul (5/28/2024 4:26 PM)
A. We're aware of several studies that cite the effectiveness of our programs for children, women, and law enforcement, but we haven't catalogued them.
Gracie University 1
Q. So my daughter is very type A and I have a feeling will respond quickly. However, with that being said, I think she could get a little over confident even with just the Gracie Games. Does anyone (or would you recommend) starting with the Rules of Engagement so she understands the rules and when it's OK to defend herself if she needs to? Also asking because she is already being bullied and don't want her to ever have to use it but if she does I want her to be prepared if that makes sense.
mwheelermedic (5/21/2024 1:58 PM)
A. We are sorry to hear she is being bullied! If you think she may become over confident before she's gotten a good grasp on the techniques, then it may be beneficial for you to start teaching her the Rules of Engagement first and then keep bringing them up as she moves through the course.
Gracie Support Team
Q. Pertaining to the "Perfect correction" part of the video. How do you handle students who are always saying "I want to do it on my own" and they perform the technique. too fast, with too much power and completely incorrectly. But every time you try and put them in the correct position and say "perfect" they pull away and say "I want to do it on my own". Ty so much for your time, very happy to hear your response as this happens to me constantly with one child.
 (4/11/2024 11:27 AM)
A. We recommend at those points within their training to tell them something along the lines of: “Your way is really good, however we can make it even better by doing it this way." Alternatively, if they are responding in that way during a technique that could potentially be dangerous to their training partner, then we recommend this as well: “Hey we really need to slow down, slow is smooth and smooth is fast, if we hurt the person we become the bully, and if we become the bully then we can’t do Jiu Jitsu anymore.”
Gracie Support Team
Q. Just finished watching the parent video and love the content, teaching tios and principals! What is rhe difference between purchasing the Bullyproof course and getting a yearly subscription?
AMNorthern (2/22/2024 2:50 PM)
A. We are glad to hear that you love the content! If you choose to purchase the course, then it will be available in your Gracie University profile forever. If you opt to access the lessons through a subscription plan, then the lessons will be active within your Gracie University profile for as long as your subscription plan payments are active.
Gracie Support Team
Q. MAHALO YOU GUYS!! YOU DA BEST!! Seriously! i taught Ki Akido (children classes and adults) i totally see how your methods are effective!!! I cant wait to begin Gracie games with the boys!! 5yo and 4nhalf !
jbrent (2/10/2024 3:48 PM)
A. Thank you!
Gracie University 1
Q. Thank you for your response to my first question. So at this point, since they are 8 and 12. Are they too old to get any benefit out of starting with Gracie Games as opposed to Jr. Grapplers?
Brad1980 (9/18/2023 4:26 PM)
A. It depends on the kids. The younger kids like the games. We use them to teach gross motor movement related to techniques that they'll refine as they are able to absorb details without getting bored. The intent is to keep the kids engaged and having fun. If the games still work to that end, then continue to play them regardless of age. If not, then move on to more focused, detail-oriented instruction, but still go light on details and remember to constantly praise their efforts just for being on the mat.
Gracie University 1
Q. My daughter's are 8 and 12 years old, and I currently have them going to a Renzo Gracie kids beginners bjj class twice a week. Which one of your online programs would be the best to start them on in conjunction with the class that they are going to now?
Brad1980 (9/18/2023 3:37 PM)
A. Both would be Jr. Grapplers.
Gracie University 1
Q. my son is 2 years old and I want to start doing the Gracie Games with him. At what point should I start keeping track of classes and strips for him?
Leothelion01 (9/3/2023 8:05 PM)
A. At this point, just play with him and don't worry about it. Depending on the child, they become conscious of the stripes around four or five, so you have some time before it might make a difference.
Gracie University 1
Q. Is there any course offered in Gracie University for my 13yo granddaughter online? Thanks
Sogogreg (8/12/2023 5:11 PM)
A. She is eligible for the Gracie Combatives® and Women Empowered® courses.
Gracie University 1
Q. My 6yo loves gracie games and now jnr grapplers and is actually getting pretty good. Is there an app yet available for her to watch the kids courses? As apps are ok on her tablet but random internet is not, only kids you tube. Just wondering?
Juzz (12/21/2022 2:05 PM)
A. We are glad to hear that your child is enjoying the Gracie Bullyproof program! Unfortunately, we do not have an app for our lessons, we simply recommend mobile users use in their browser.
Gracie Support Team
Q. I saw that there was a potential hazard in this lesson, with the wrist. I have three sons who are close in age (6, 8, 10). Is it safe to have all three practice with each other? Or should I be the only person who practices with each child?
rkt121416 (10/22/2022 4:35 PM)
A. As long as your children practice the technique cooperatively and calmly with each other, then it's okay they practice together. If you feel as though they may get more rambunctious when they practice together, then we recommend you practice the technique initially.
Gracie Support Team
Q. You mentioned Jr Grapplers in a forum response. What is this? Where do I find it?
jtolkien (8/31/2022 11:53 AM)
A. Jr. Grapplers is a class we offer for 8-12 year olds. It has all of the techniques from the Gracie Games & Jr. Combatives lessons that are available within
Gracie Support Team
Ujjayee (1/23/2022 2:50 PM)
A. You're welcome!
Gracie University 1
Q. According to the Bullyproof journal, the minimum age to test for a yellow belt is 6years old. Assuming my 5 year old daughter with a white yellow belt trains everyday then she may achieve 80 lessons and receive her 4 stripes prior to turning 6 years old. If this is the case, does she have to wait to till she is 6yrs old to test for her yellow belt even though she achieve 80 lessons and showed quality technique? Or can she move forward with testing for her yellow belt at 5years old?
vsantos (1/9/2022 1:46 AM)
A. We'll work with you to do the right thing and grant exceptions if necessary. However, see no need to rush promotions and have found that time is an important factor in addition to meeting the requirements for quantity of lessons. It applies to kids and adults.
Gracie University 1
Q. I was wondering where the verbal assertiveness training/role playing exercises are in the course that are talked about in the intro to bulletproof program. Also they mentioned the character development and how kids earn patches for those and I don’t recall seeing that in the material either.
dstrobes (9/12/2021 12:46 PM)
A. We teach these in the 'Rules of Engagement' section of the site and the patches are available for students who participate in our group classes at a Certified Training Center, or through our Zoom classes. We have our Zoom classes available to try, here:
Gracie Support Team
Q. Hey, you guys mentioned a diet, where can I find this Gracie diet/lifestyle?
KnightOfTheOldCode (8/2/2021 8:34 PM)
A. Here's a link to Rorion's book on Amazon:
Gracie University 1
Q. My niece is turning 14 soon. Can she continue to wear her colored kids belt to an adult Gracie Combative class? She is also a completist and wants to work toward collecting all the belts in the kids curriculum, before getting the Gracie combatives belt.
alexor (7/30/2021 10:10 PM)
A. Yes, she can definitely wear her kids' belt in the adult Gracie Combatives class.
Gracie Support Team
Q. Great Parent Preparation video. How do I get started at home with my two daughters ages 7 and 11?
Oneman (7/27/2021 7:49 PM)
A. We are glad to hear you enjoyed the Parent Preparation video! To get started, we recommend you create a main Gracie University profile for yourself, and then a "child" account for each of your daughters, under your main account. From here, you can start training the Gracie Games lessons with both of your daughters together. To access the lessons, we have a few different options: 1) you can access the complete Gracie Bullyproof course on DVD through or 2) we offer the complete Gracie Bullyproof course (Gracie Games & Jr. Combatives) for purchase within directly, or you can also choose to access the lessons through a monthly/yearly subscription plan within directly.
Gracie Support Team
Q. As a parent do I need to have any BJJ background to train the kids, or am I able to learn together with them? (I got into interest of BJJ (just started 2 times) just because my kid is taking Judo and I want to play together with them. But now I see the bullieproof might be a even better parent-kid program for all of us to workout together (and work with his 4year old little brother too)
j4dy (7/23/2021 9:46 PM)
A. No. We designed the course for you to teach the techniques with no prior experience.
Gracie University 1
Q. I saw this i think you might have answer the question wrong. The answer should be "You can open unlimited kid's account free from the main account, so you can have a new child account for each kid to keep track of their records". (the questioner's account means payment account..) question: Loved the emphasis on integrity and work ethic, and discipline talked about in "the Belt Testing Process". Interesting prospective in "the Critical Connection". Great points!! I have 5 children, does the online system (ie journals, submissions, etc) have room for more than one child or do I need to make separate accounts to properly record each of my children individually? DML (7/20/2021 7:49 PM)
j4dy (7/23/2021 9:26 PM)
A. That's good catch...thank you for the clarification on our behalf.
Gracie University 1
Q. Loved the emphasis on integrity and work ethic, and discipline talked about in "the Belt Testing Process". Interesting prospective in "the Critical Connection". Great points!! I have 5 children, does the online system (ie journals, submissions, etc) have room for more than one child or do I need to make separate accounts to properly record each of my children individually?
DML (7/20/2021 7:49 PM)
A. If you intend to promote them, they'll need individual accounts.
Gracie University 1
Q. Great video! Definitely, Jiu Jitsu is a building block for successful parenting. Thanks.
Ernesto Montalvo (7/2/2021 11:57 PM)
A. Thanks!
Gracie University 1
Q. My son is 10 years old and we have started the Gracie Games in the Bullyproof course. He is picking up the material very well. Should we continue to drill only the games over and over to reach 80 classes or move into Jr. Combatives for the white/yellow belt test? Is is ok to take more than one class per day as we learn and drill the material?
Dave/Roman (6/29/2021 2:43 PM)
A. We are glad to hear that your son is picking up the material within the course! We recommend that you transition your son into the Jr. Combatives lessons when he appears ready (which would be the point at which he can start to execute all of the Gracie Games techniques reflexively). He is also welcome to take more than one class per day, whatever is a comfortable level for him.
Gracie Support Team
Q. My 5 year old is 73 classes deep. I've recently joined a ctc and will likely be enrolling him after we get beyond class number 80. If I'm doing a hybrid of at home and ctc training for him, should I just keep the journal for his ctc classes too?
ahunt (5/6/2021 8:12 PM)
A. Yes, you can do that if you would like. At CTC's we keep track of attendance and the CTC attendance card should only reflect the classes taken at the CTC, but you can keep track of your kid's work at home. The only thing to keep in mind that as a CTC student the promotion between belts is at least 8 months apart, even if you are able to fill out the card sooner. We hope this helps and we are happy to hear that you will be joining a CTC.
Gracie Support Team
Q. Don't have a question, just wanted to say my son is 2.5yo and I'm so excited that we're about to start down this path together! I have no prior experience with BJJ, but I'm starting the GC course at the same time he's starting the GG. Let's do this!
smalo85 (4/24/2021 1:20 PM)
A. Yes, do it!
Gracie University 1
Q. Are the Jr. Combatives lessons as much fun for kids as the Gracie Games are? My daughter is almost 8 and we have been doing your games for about 8 months now. We aren't doing the stripes or anything, she just really enjoys the time, and I want to do the Jr. Combatives with her while keeping it fun. I will be enrolling her in a BJJ school when she turns nine to start getting real rolling in. I've been training for 9 years and am worried that the rolling will scare her away, but if these games are just as fun then she will have some skills when she goes to roll for real and not with dad in a fun manner.
Sam Varner (4/12/2021 10:23 AM)
A. Yes, definitely! Since your daughter has already been training for 8 months, we think she would have a great time learning the new techniques.
Gracie Support Team
Q. How would I guage my child's progress if they have already completed approximately 9 months of training from another bjj school?
Jitsufam (3/24/2021 7:41 PM)
A. Depending on their age, assess their ability to play Gracie Games or execute the Jr. Grapplers lessons.
Gracie University 1
Q. When coaching a parent's kids in the BullyProof system, would you give them the Parent Preparation Overview PDF, or maybe post it on the wall for them to look over? Or just discuss this with them in person? Maybe this will be answered in the ICP.
NaturalNate (1/5/2021 3:41 PM)
A. We recommend they check out the Parent Preparation video.
Gracie Support Team
Q. Would it be possible to get a citation on the "kids have heard 60,000 noes and only 8,000 yeses" as seen at slice 11? I promise I Googled it first!
CraigJ (12/23/2020 5:11 AM)
A. We have no reference for it.
Gracie University 1
Q. Is black the only acceptable stripe color? Or can I let my kids pick the color of their stripes?
JMoore9 (12/7/2020 1:37 PM)
A. Traditionally, black is the only color for stripes (if they do not have a black bar on their belt). If there is a black bar, then the stripes would be white.
Gracie Support Team
Q. I am a teacher at a elementary school. I have been doing the Gracie Games with my personal children for a month. I now have a few of my colleagues wanting their own children to join. Can I be the instructor for them. My principle has allowed me to put mats in one of our spare rooms to facilitate this. Do I need them to sign a waiver? What would be a good ratio of students to teachers? Thanks
jwahlen (10/28/2020 11:07 AM)
A. Please sent an email to [email protected] so our team can help answer you directly.
Gracie Support Team
Q. truly phenomenal content. i was actually considering skipping this video because i have experience working with children. But such a wonderful learning philosophy. i'm going to take this approach into so many other aspects of my child's life. Thanks guys
Peterhenry303 (10/19/2020 3:05 AM)
A. Glad you enjoyed it!
Gracie Support Team
Q. I have a 7 year old who has been doing BJJ for two years and a 5 year old who has had minimal training. They are actually both the same size/weight (older one is small and younger one is big). We are unable to continue formal training due to COVID-19. My question is what is a good starting point so I don't go too fast for the 5 year old and make the 7 year old bored?
zwells (9/8/2020 2:51 PM)
A. We recommend you try the complete Gracie Bullyproof program with both of them (your younger child may enjoy the Gracie Games starting off with, and your 7 year old may enjoy Jr. Combatives more, since he's been training for 2 years). We hope this information helps, please let us know if you have any additional questions!
Gracie Support Team
Q. Brilliant introduction and great process/system! Some questions reg. Stripe Promotion System...Where to send the request for awarding my child a stripe after his first 20 lessons? Are you keeping track of number of stripes each student has accomplished? Are you sending the stripe or should I use PVC-type black tape or similar? /Fred
Fredrick Sundberg (8/30/2020 8:11 AM)
A. We do not track the stripes on the child belts, as the parent, you can award a stripe (up to 4) after 20 lessons, per belt. We recommend white athletic tape (for the black bar on the belt).
Gracie Support Team
Q. I have been training my 11-year-old daughter in the Bullyproof Program for 4 years now but never submitted her Belt Testing Videos. Since I waited so long for her to be tested how far apart do her test videos need to be so she can earn her stripes and belts? Or can I submit one video a week since she has the time in?
Blacknite (7/30/2020 4:17 AM)
A. We do not have a specific training time for the kids' tests, so you are welcome to submit one video a week.
Gracie Support Team
Q. We just starting going through the games for both our kids (6,8). You suggest using a linear training schedule for the games but since there are only 10 games does that mean they need to go through them twice to get on strip promotion? And do I continue with that process until they are ready to test for white yellow using just the games?
btoone (7/20/2020 10:05 AM)
A. Yes, we recommend you go through the lessons twice for the stripe. Once you see that they are very comfortable with these techniques, then we recommend you transition them into the Jr. Combatives course. You can start to mix in the different lessons for each stripe.
Gracie Support Team
Q. I have a nephew who is 15 with no Jiu-Jitsu experience. Would I start him with the Jr. Combatives or go straight to Gracie Combatives?
Vista (7/9/2020 1:19 PM)
A. Go straight to Gracie Combatives.
Gracie University 1
Q. Does a certificate come with the belt?
LINCSakuraDojo (7/8/2020 10:29 AM)
A. Yes!
Gracie Support Team
Q. Do you stripe promote your child for the Gracie Games or just the Jr Combatives?
LINCSakuraDojo (7/6/2020 4:59 PM)
A. They would receive stripe promotions within both.
Gracie Support Team
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