Gracie Philosophy

Total Control

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Q. I have started the gracie combatives beginner course. Should I do gracie philosophy next?
 (5/24/2024 7:55 PM)
A. You can learn from the philosophy lessons at any time.
Gracie University 1
Q. Hello, do you sell those gis that you’re wearing in the video?
 (4/17/2024 7:16 PM)
A. Please check the store. We rotate the selection several times per year and consider bringing back the most popular ones.
Gracie University 1
Q. I do not have a question per se', more like a couple of comments/general observations. Years ago, I learned the Army's Basic Combatives, which was based on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (I think). I do not recall having to do any sort of regimen to maintain what we learned. Fast forward to now and I much older and not nearly as nimble. This first lesson is close to what my Dad told us growing up: never start a fight, walk away when at all possible and be the bigger man. I do not always carry concealed and I want to be able to mitigate or diffuse any situation before it escalates. For me, I need to get the discipline, the mindset ingrained in my head so I can be in a better frame of mind to determine my course of action. Does technique factor in more than strength in handling a situation? Thank you to the whole Gracie Family.
arcticwolves13F (12/17/2022 3:30 PM)
A. Thanks for the feedback. The core of our system is technique with patience and timing over strength. And, yes, the Modern Army Combatives Program was built directly from the GRAPLE course taught to the Army in 90s.
Gracie University 1
Q. Like a lot on this thread, this is message of thanks and gratitude. Today I’ve began a journey to finding self-worth, confidence and value and it’s through this amazing art. Thank you Rener, Ryron and the Gracie Family.
StuMal87 (12/17/2022 2:42 AM)
A. You're welcome! Good luck on your journey.
Gracie University 1
Q. Ryron and Rener Gracie to echo what others have said The Gracie family is pretty awesome. Honestly, I am floored by what I have seen in your training videos and how you two conduct yourselves. So professional, technical, enthusiastic, and engaged. Gracie University was the right name for your school. What you have done and I say this with all seriousness is worthy of a Nobel Peace prize in my opinion because your family has legitimately inspired and empowered thousands maybe even millions across the globe. To those fearful, downtrodden, hurt, and broken you have given hope. To former bullies and to those who have hurt others you have shown a better way. In short you have given life back to people (men, women, and children) like the great warriors of old used to do under the Knights code. I mean that in all seriousness. I am without words to adequately express my gratitude and amazement of your family’s contribution to martial arts and to your family helping people to get free from the grip of fear and bad decisions which causes more fights and suffering than anything else I know of. Your awesome analogy equating ground fighting to swimming is brilliant. The world is a better place because of the Gracie family. Keep up the great work.
Jesse Mechinus (9/7/2022 12:21 PM)
A. Thank you!
Gracie University 1
Q. This is not a question, but a personal statement of gratitude to both you 🙏 Rorion and the Gracie family for allowing me and the rest of your students all over the World into your family and teaching us the Gracie philosophy and techniques. I have always been interested and studied as a child the martial arts way and was always attracted to the discipline, structure and respect that I learned studying various disciplines over the years. However, I lost my way in my thirties to drugs and depression after the loss of both my parents and surrounded myself with people who were not looking out for my best interests and only seeking to befriende for their own selfish and devious motives. Since getting clean and sober , after some jail time, in 2012 i made a promise to myself to follow a path that would heal my soul and try to seek out a way of living that would make me a better person and allow me to give back to the Universe good and positive energy. Since finding you and your brother and your family's method of self defense and super positive way of living and thinking while watching the videos on YouTube and seeing the ultra talented fighters of MMA I was drawn to your family's philosophy and training and watched you and your brother transfom people's lives through the Gracie Academy way of training and way of living and remaining calm in order to de-escalate any situation that may happen in real life ! I am 52 years old and your videos and concepts have reinvigorated a passionate drive in myself to be a better petson and persue a healthy and happier life style and give back to the Universe some of that positive energy that you give to the World every day through the classes online and at your academy in Torrance and all over the World. Thank you to you and the Gracie Family for making this World a much better place one student at a time. I look forward to a life long journey and commitment to pursuing my black belt in Gracie BJJ and one day I hope to move to Torrance to be a student with the headquarters in CA and give back to the Universe that incredible positive energy that your teachings have reinvigorated in myself.
Sevensdaddy (5/24/2022 11:30 AM)
A. Thank you for the kind words.
Gracie University 1
Q. Everyday, I'm bombarded with thousands of life-ending hazards - there's more ways to end life than to live it - and the perspective of non-harming defense is thirst-quenching and mind-blowing. Is it possible to defend a position of humility without sending a toxic message of arrogance in a workplace community that doesn't foster many ideas about MMA/non-violence? I'm asking because I've wanted my dear friend of 3 years who's struggled with addictions to join MMA, but he also struggles with inferiority complex but I don't think in the way of cut losses etc. He would learn so much and deliver so much more to his own life. I wish I knew how to get him on board. He says he'll come to class if I pick him up, but I'm nervous one bad experience will turn him off of it forever. I need to consider humility more greatly than anything, so I'm strongly focused on the fact he and I are both beginners - confused white belts. I just don't want him to be struck by the wrong idea when the business of BJJ gets sold in class, because a lot of it is confidence. And I don't know if he's ever been in such a constructive environment. Should I discuss this with the trainer or just take total control through the philosophy and slowly ease off as he becomes more dedicated?
EmtheGem (1/26/2022 9:02 PM)
A. Why not start by training with each other using the Gracie Combatives course as your guide? This way you control the environment without risking a bad experience in a school?
Gracie University 1
Q. @Hsyankee Don't know if there's any way for us to connect but if so, would very much like to and your welcome to message me anytime.
Ujjayee (11/28/2021 1:56 PM)
A. Try emailing [email protected].
Gracie University 1
Q. As a practitioner of Aikido in the early 90's this is exactly what attracted me to Gracie Jiu Jitsu in the first place.
Hsyankee (11/7/2021 6:36 PM)
A. Thanks!
Gracie University 1
Q. Thank's! You give me the opportunity to get better)
PolShin (7/26/2021 4:52 AM)
A. You're welcome.
Gracie University 1
Q. NBT - Natural Born Teachers. No question, just gratitude. Best from downunder (that idea takes on a whole new meaning!)
Brando2577 (1/11/2021 6:52 PM)
A. Thanks!
Gracie University 1
Q. Great points here. Having confidence and not arrogance also exudes 'a lion in the room' aura that other predators can sense. Confidence gives you personal control and even extends your control to others. Getting them on the ground just confirms this and the opponent will definitely reconsider their actions after that and may even give up even faster. :-) Thank you guys! Do you make this distinction as well? Confidence vs Arrogance and the fall out of each?
reggiefinleysr (12/19/2020 1:39 PM)
A. Thank you for the input!
Gracie University 1
Q. I really liked how you emphasized that staying calm in any situation is very important.
Hannah Harrell (12/4/2020 12:46 PM)
A. Calmness conserves energy.
Gracie University 1
Q. Thank you for answering my earlier question, but what I was wondering, is how often should I give an attacker a chance? I defeat him, he gives up then attacks again, I defeat him again, he gives up then attacks again, and so on. Should I ever not let them get up until help comes or should I get more aggressive? I really really don't want to hurt anyone but I don't want to worry about them hurting me or any of his friends that came out to watch him kick my a$$. BTW, my old fat body is having a hard time learning these techniques.
Clause (9/27/2020 10:05 AM)
A. You have the right mindset, so it's likely you'll do the right thing. The principle is to use the least amount of force required to ensure your safety. If you must incapacitate the attacker, then do so as a last resort. Every situation is different, so there's not much more we can offer at this point.
Gracie University 1
Q. What if someone gives up and then attacks again when you let them stand?
Clause (9/19/2020 8:58 PM)
A. Defeat them again.
Gracie University 1
Q. Learned a lot in this lesson I can apply to my daily life. Thanks
Heisman13 (8/15/2020 7:49 PM)
A. You're welcome!
Gracie University 1
Q. I am so new to this but I decided to try something new which is this course I hope i can learn self defense and certain situations where I don't feel defenseless but also have some control to myself while doing this.
Summerpace (7/1/2020 7:10 PM)
A. You've come to the right place!
Gracie University 1
Q. Awesome Gentlemen, Thank you so much.
JUNKYARDOG (6/22/2020 5:20 AM)
A. You're welcome!
Gracie University 1
Q. Yesss....Really amazing!!! Gracies´s way of thinking is very close to the teachings of the Torah! Thank you so name is Marcus Avichai, Ben Noach, Brazilian, 49, BJJ blue belt. Happy to witness true Jiu-Jitsu in practice and available to everyone online!!! Gracie University...a masterpiece!!!! Congrats!!!! I am here also to share knowledge recommending two books that helped tremendously myself and my wife in life to reach peace in our marriage .... The Garden of Peace: A Marital Guide for Men Only & Women's Wisdom: The Garden of Peace for women only, both by Rabbi Shalom Arush which can complement the teachings. Good reading!
Marcus Avichai (5/20/2020 10:03 AM)
A. Thank you!
Gracie University 1
Q. This was awesome...I love this philosophy and way of thinking.
Defecio Stoglin (5/13/2020 3:26 AM)
A. Thanks for the feedback!
Q. I'm 62 yrs old if I was to grade my health from GREAT GOOD OR FAIR I'm in GOOD shape. I have never had any formal training .I want to start a n martial art that will useful in true life situations..... After a short time in one of your classes.. I will start a Gracie garage north of Sacramento. I want the combative lessons for your will not let me access choice. Can it be played for via phone
Namm (5/1/2020 9:11 PM)
A. Please repost in the Gracie Store and Help/Tech Support forums.
Gracie University 1
Q. Can I watch the gracie philosophy lessons before Gracie Combatives program or what is the order?
Jeff1894 (4/10/2020 11:45 PM)
A. Just like the Combatives lessons, you can view them in any order and before, after, or during your study of the Combatives lessons. The philosophy lessons apply from the beginning, but your appreciation for them will deepen with time on the mat.
Gracie University 1
Q. not a question but more of an observation, just wanted to thank you for the content your providing, this specific video as well as various others will help me change for the better. In the past I have struggled with alcohol and substance abuse. It definitely has a negative effect on my physical health as well as mental. My relationship with my spouse has suffered because of it. Hearing you guys say you avoid drugs and alcohol completely to maintain the right mindset is extremely powerful and uplifting. I wish to follow suit also not just for me but for my family. Greatly appreciate your insight and philosophy.
cm42 (4/4/2020 4:58 AM)
A. You're welcome.
Gracie University 1
Q. Philosophies are a great way to find and contain a certain mindset. Control over oneself (physically and emotionally) is one that should be part of any situation. Confidence will come with practice and experience. I know my greatest weakness when it comes to a fight. I'm out of shape. Horribly so, I'll admit. I'm hoping to get in shape and gain a great deal of confidence by learning self-defense. And Jiu-Jitsu seems the best way to go, in this matter. It's better to back out of a dangerous situation wherever possible and only cause harm if there's no other choice or option at hand.
Nikki Miller (7/19/2019 5:47 PM)
A. Thanks for the feedback.
Q. Should I be reviewing the Gracie Philosophies during or after the Gracie Combative Beginners Program?
Lstagg (6/1/2019 9:28 AM)
A. Yes!! Both is ideal!
Q. Hello, is there a strength / conditioning program that could be recommensed to assist your BJJ skills? Thank you
WWJBasile (1/5/2019 12:43 PM)
A. There are a ton of videos on YouTube!
Q. The first lesson is always the most important lesson in this journey... I know that's not a question, but I felt the need to say it.
gjjdoc (11/30/2018 9:55 PM)
A. We can't hear it enough!
Q. That's a good lecture. It was so impressive to say that I had to control myself before I could win the fight. But what does it mean to say that no one can say anything that will make me fight? Does that mean you're going to think I'm not an easy opponent?
Bareum (9/27/2018 11:22 AM)
A. The only reason to fight is if you are physically attacked and can't escape.
Q. When I knew the GU s programs I though amazing wonderful learning as control the bgs behaviors, and Ive noticed with out doing that,nothing really make sense.
mazza (8/13/2018 12:03 PM)
A. Thanks for the feedback!
Q. What techniques do you offer that allow one to train control of one's emotional state and naturally arrive at a level of calm to where "nothing anyone can say to you to that would cause you to fight"? Thanks!
Paredão  (7/16/2018 10:24 PM)
A. Try some meditation and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu! Following Ryron on social media will help too! :-)
Q. Hey. I was wondering if there will be subtitles somewhere in the future. I live in Brazil and have plenty of Brazilian and Korean friends that would benefit from the online classes.
Park.YY (10/21/2016 3:59 PM)
A. It's on our "to do" list, but we have so many projects on the table that it's not a top priority.
Gracie University 1
Q. Hi, I'm in a public setting right now watching the videos and was wondering if there was a way to put captions on the videos to allow for privacy. Also, you probably have a fair number of deaf people already trying to study GJJ and it would definitely help them, my mother included. Right now, I have to pause the videos many times to sign the words to her.
Valkyrie (4/29/2016 5:57 PM)
A. Great idea, but we don't have the capacity to handle the extra work yet.
Gracie University 1
Q. Hello I would like to know your advice on how to implement new attacks technique in sparring , obviously I might fail a few times in the process especially when the sparring partner is fairly agitated . can you shed some light on that ?
FFF003 (5/20/2015 3:55 PM)
A. First, master the technique in controlled and cooperative sparring, then slowly increase the intensity until you either succeed or reach a point of failure. If you fail, then analyze the technique to determine if the failure was due to your lack of expertise or if you have simply reached the technique's limit and are facing a legitimate counter. If the latter, then either explore options to counter the counter or wait for us to show it to you in a future lesson.
Gracie University 1
Q. Hi, I practice with the valente brothers in miami, but I was wondering what techniques you use to remain calm during a fight? I find it very difficult when its fight or flight that its hard to remain focused
njjury (3/22/2015 4:54 PM)
A. The best way to remain calm during a fight is to practice putting yourself in bad situations. Over time, you will learn to relax because you will be familiar with the position and know how to remain safe and relatively comfortable while awaiting the opportunity to escape.
Gracie University 1
Q. What benefits would I gain if I do a Gracie garage ?
Tony40 (3/4/2015 7:53 PM)
A. Please follow this link for all the info on starting your own Gracie Garage.
Q. Gracie Combatives makes you very confident that if you for some reason get into a fight, you are able to defend yourself. But you need to be carefull! Nowadays guns are involved in 70% of the fights. Imagine if you clinch/takedown a guy and he reaches his pocket and pull out a knife... You are dead. In my country (Portugal) this is happening more and more. Every time i hear about a fight, knives are involved. Ofc in a mano-a-mano fight you are good but you never know if the guy is carrying a gun. Ofc you try to avoid the fight at all costs but if some drug addicted who has nothing to lose is trying to beat you up, you need to think twice about what u going to do.
senseyxy (7/18/2014 12:47 AM)
A. Rule 1 for everybody avoid the fight at all costs.
Gracie University 1
Q. I have to say I am very excited to start on my GJJ adventure! I've been watching the Breakdowns for months now, have a background in wrestling when I was a teenager (my dad had to petition the school board to allow me to wrestle on the school team...since I am a female), my father is a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and is was an ameteur boxer my husband is a 3rd degree black belt in Shorin Ryu Karate and our favorite date night is always UFC or any MMA fights we can watch. LOL! This video "sealed the deal" for me to get serious about starting Gracie Combatives and Women Empowered. The Gracie Philosophy is spot on in alignment with exactly what I am looking for. THANK YOU so much for everything you do! Rener...congratulations on your marriage to Eve. And have a DARLING baby girl! :) You'll be hearing more from me!
KimberlyWise (4/17/2014 10:00 PM)
A. Thanks for the kind words. We look forward to seeing you in action! Welcome to the family.
Gracie University 1
Q. This video ( has bothered me since I saw it. The attacker is obviously illed with rage and appears unstoppable. What is appropriate at around the 2:28 in the video (or other time spot you recommend action?
RobH (9/14/2013 9:22 PM)
A. One of the most common mistakes of all time - failing to control the distance! Remember - close the distance, take the fight to the ground, achieve the dominant position, end the fight with a choke or a leveraged based submission.
Q. The philosophy is great.
Rauluta (6/16/2013 11:12 AM)
A. Thanks for the support!
Q. First, I compleetly agree that ego should never be a reason to start a fight. however, I found myself in a difficult situation last summer, where I was getting intimidated by someone. I teach as a surfinstructor, and there is always limited space for students to learn. This often leads to arguments between surfschool and instructers who has the right to teach there. I was by far the youngest and lesser surfer. Therefore other instructers would often stand in my face, telling me to go away. In a normal situation I could choose to walk away, however the studentents pay alot for those lessons, which makes things complicated. Lifeguards tried to adress this man, but when they were not around it would start all over. I feel like if this happens again, I may have to step up and ask if he is challening me... (like taught in the bullyproof). I really don't want things to come this far, but the possibility exists that this may happen again this summer. Any advise..?
Glenn92 (4/22/2013 3:07 AM)
A. It's difficult to advise you without knowing the legal details of the situation. If you are within your rights to stand your ground and it's important to do so, then do it. Be prepared to defend yourself if attacked, but don't start the fight.
Gracie University 1
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